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08/18/11 1:21 PM

#29047 RE: ZincFinger #29042

"The real point is that it was an excessive amount of inappropriate emails that drove Dr Kaplan to withdraw from the board"

at least thats what you have been lead to believe..from e-mails and whispered to others on the phone...

"Since the reason for his withdrawal was publicity it would be reasonable to hope that he might return when things became less controversial" wasnt "publicity"...i thought it was e-mails? you are deciding it was something else as well?...
and if e-mails were enough to drive him away, what in the world would lead anyone to believe that his coming back is reasonable?...when things become less controversial?...well once that happens what in the world would we need him for?...that would mean kblb has already made it or failed...

oh so maybe hes on the board but maybe hes not..although he could be about to get on board, but possibly not..unless, but maybe.......wait what??

"It would be stupendously inappropriate for anyone to email Dr. Kaplan anymore and IMHO would indicate a flagrant disregard for the welfare of KBLB if not worse"

oh get off it already...kaplan is not a child...if he gets too many e-mails and doesnt like it im sure his big brain can figure out how to deal with it...and kaplans staying or leaving is no big deal to kblb....many longs have said as much....and apparently the ad board never even just calls them whenever he feels the need..which means they were just there for show anyway...

"I'm sure the reason Kim didn't "just loan the company the (up to) 1.5 million" is that he would have had to sell $1.5 million worth of his own shares to do that"

kim doesnt have to sell any of his shares...the COMPANY can sell shares...its not that complicated of a concept..


yes..we've learned that the company wont necessarily tell the public or shareholders everything that is pertinent...we've learned that the company will hold off reporting bad news..and we've learned that they are more than willing to place blame for whats goes wrong on shareholders...and we've learned that when an explanation is necessary, they will whisper sweet nothings over the phone and via e-mails so that they may be posted on chat boards as third party info...but nothing publicly because heaven forbid it should irk someone who has nothing to do with kblb, wants nothing to do with kblb, whom they dont need and owe absolutely nothing too..

silly wabbit

08/18/11 2:01 PM

#29051 RE: ZincFinger #29042

Lets say tht he still has those shares. That's over $30 million - what's 1.5 for your own baby.

SO with all of the research you've done into the science you haven't seen the patent? THere isn't one in the company or Kim's name, I'm not talking about the universities. The filing siad that the shares were in exchange for a patent from the founder. If Ben, Kim or Dr. Fraser are on here watching us, show us the patent that was worth hundreds of millions of shares.

I don't recall anyone encouraging people to email Dr. K but it might be. Never crossed my mind until I started to listen to the warnings.