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08/19/11 1:29 PM

#237 RE: NYBob #234

CALVF For Caledonia Mining Company Is It GOLD -

happy to be on board
1st drilling result maybe out at anytime -
when the CEO gets them -


About 700 companies have submitted their indigenization plans
to the government, the Herald said.
If accepted, the companies have five years in which to dispose
of their shares, according to the government -

The companies must submit their plans to Kasukuwere’s ministry
showing how within the next five years they will dispose of
the majority stakes of their companies.

Zimbabwe Accepts Mining Firm Indigenization Proposals -
With Reservations

Kasukuwere said the government has accepted the 25 percent
equity stakes the companies have offered, though it intends
to vigorously pursue the remaining 26 percent on behalf of
communities around the mines.

Zimbabwe has the world's largest known platinum reserves
after neighboring South Africa.
Major foreign miners operating there include Zimplats Holdings,
a unit of Impala Platinum, global mining giant Rio Tinto and
Anglo Platinum.

The country's mining sector, which has been starved of capital
after years of decline, also produces gold, diamonds,
ferrochrome, coal and iron ore reserves.

Kasukuwere told VOA Studio Seven reporter Blessing Zulu that
the government, though unhappy with the offers has accepted
those received to date.

Economic commentator Rejoice Ngwenya said he does not see mining
companies being booted out of the country in September even
if they fail to meet indigenization targets.


Tsvangirai marathon Zimbabwe crisis talks -

HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe and
opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai met for a third day of
power-sharing talks on Tuesday amid fears the negotiations
could collapse because of differences over which of them
will ultimately lead the country....

"I don't think they (the talks) will remain on the rocks,
because I think all the parties eventually have
no way out of it other than talking to each other."

All eyes may soon be on Mutambara.

The former robotics professor is emerging as a key player,
political analysts say. His faction's members in parliament
can support either? -
Mugabe's ZANU-PF or Tsvangirai's main MDC
party, which have almost equal numbers of seats in the lower

CALVF For Caledonia Mining Company Is It GOLD -

happy to be on board
1st drilling result maybe out at anytime -
when the CEO gets them -
God Bless


We do prefer Zim - old Rhodesia -
compared to the polo-ticz of the banksters cults robberies
of the People in US -
compare ex. -