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06/09/05 8:53 PM

#17437 RE: WTMHouston #17436

amazing ......

Phil(Hot Rod Chevy)

06/09/05 9:45 PM

#17439 RE: WTMHouston #17436

Just because someone has lost money as a result of someone else's conduct does not mean that a crime has occurred.

I don't either unless fraud was involved.

But I also think criminal charges should be brought more often than they are.

Take the recent cases of CMKX and MLON as examples.

Why would the CEO of CMKX take the fifth at an SEC hearing if he wasn't scared of criminal prosecution?

The penny stock world is full of fraud and deception.

There definitely needs to be more regulation, if not total elimination.



06/10/05 4:57 PM

#17445 RE: WTMHouston #17436

But, but ...Troy, I agree with most, if not all ...of what you said in your post.

What I resent are crooks like Enron's Fastow, WCOM's Ebbers and all the others who cooked the books of their corporations and the stockholders have no way of knowing what is really going on....until it's too late.

By the same token when the mutual fund scandals broke...the whole industry was affected, too late for the small investor to get out in time.

So my point was if Spitzer (and others) didn't have the proof of anyone doing anything illegal, why didn't he keep his mouth shut ...and why did he go to trial if he wasn't prepared to prove his case? Did he think a jury would convict because of his reputation? Geez.

These glory hounds who accuse without proof have got to realize how the media and the "market" will react to the slightest whiff of bad news.

The mutual funds I'm invested in weren't ever affected directly...they were clean. But believe me there was enough of a fall-out to cause a substantial drop in my investments. Do you understand why I'm kinda bitter and resentful when there are unfounded accusations?

Also, while I wasn't a stockholder in Enron, thankfully....I did hold a fairly large number of WCOM shares. I'd started with MCI....voted against the merger with WCOM, as a matter of fact, thus I consider myself a victim of the crooked practices that should have come to light years and years ago. Where was the SEC when all the crap was going down on Wall Street in the late 90's?

Rant, Rant...


This too shall pass (my bitterness). Hopefully.