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08/17/11 6:29 PM

#29011 RE: silly wabbit #29003

RE "all of these shady connections between csc stock promotors and stocks ben had been/is associated with and that makes me question the judgement of management, and that's why I did so."

I suspect that you (and a number of others) have been worn down by a long and relentless campaign of worthless "due diligence" based on "detective work" that never manages to connect the dots it claims to. Example: claiming that the fact that many of the companies a company loans money to have gone bankrupt indicates something wrong with the loaning company. Most startup companies go bankrupt and when a company specializing in loaning to startups has a lot of customers that go bankrupt that is only what is expected, not some "proof" of a big problem. IMHO there's been far too much such rubbish posted here. There are two dangers to that:

1) it may have a wearing effect even if you discount it as of no merit and make you hypersensitive to events that you would otherwise take in stride (the Science Adviser flap for example)

or 2) it may numb you so that when something of real significance happens you just ignore it especially if it's brought to your attention by the same people that raised false alarms so often before.

IMHO we've already seen examples of the first effect here. Hopefully we'll never see examples of the second.

I must admit to having been affected somewhat by the first effect. I worked it out by doing a lot of DD into scientific issues that I really should not have wasted the time on because the probability that a problem really existed was so slight. But I now have the evidence on hand should anyone try to raise those red herrings and my confidence is restored.

Sigma-Aldrich (SIAL) is one of the largest, most successful, and highly respected provider of products and services to the biotechnology community. It's new custom zinc fingers service is of major importance to it (it has highlighted it and its ongoing developments at every presentation it's done since starting it up). KBLB is the first and by far the most publicly visible user of this service and for a large number of reasons (I've gone into excruciating detail about repeadtedly here) will be by a huge margin, the first to get a product created using those ZFs to market AND the upfront payment to SIAL for those ZFs is a trivial amount that barely covers costs if that - SIAL's payment really comes from the royalties it gets if and when KBLB produces a product with them. For all those reasons the deal with KBLB is of tremendous importance to SIAL and, as was noted in the CC, SIAL had its scientists thoroughly check out KBLB's lab setup and work before finalizing the deal. All that should give a great deal of confidence in the validity of what KBLB is doing. Suggestions that some made that the SA board member had withdrawn because of concerns about the science should have been recognized for the absurdities that they were.

In cutting edge technology things come up that may generate concerns. But it's far wiser to wait and determine the real significance than to sell out in panic.
If they start to wear you down do some of your own DD, that's the best antidote and is a wise thing to do in any case. BUT pay close attention to the quality of the evidence and make sure the dots really connect.
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08/17/11 6:43 PM

#29013 RE: silly wabbit #29003

Ben spelled Dr. Kaplan as Kaplin in his email response .. Do you think it was done intentionally so that they may say we are not talking about the same person .. Call me paranoid but it IS possible ...