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08/18/11 2:50 AM

#4665 RE: Market_Fest4 #4648

MF4: They can rig close elections. They have a much harder time with landslides. And any legitimate Republican will win in a landslide in 2012. Obama (or Hillary) might only win a handful of the ultra liberal states like NY, CAL, MASS, OR & ILL. There is nothing currently going in Obama's favor and we have just begun the downward bouncing market. Unemployment will surely rise. (If it wasn't for phoney statistics that drop many of the discourage workers off the rolls the uenemployment rate would be > 15% already.) Real estate is far from hitting bottom. The market will be down substantially by late summer of 2012 to levels most people will not believe....DOX under 8000, S&P under 800, etc. We'll reenter the recession thatbegan in 2008. You'll be very tired of the reincarnation of the "Misery Index" that was used against Carter in 2008. The Republicans will hang that on Obama for months leading up to November 2012. Unless the Republicans do something monumentally stupid it should be a landslide in their favor. Any of the top tier Republican hopefulls can beat him. He has really nothing positive to run on.