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08/16/11 8:01 PM

#17572 RE: findout5 #17569

I am curious as to what people are expecting to happen on Wednesday or Thursday. The money could be available and there could be documentation to prove it, but beyond that, I wonder what people are expecting.

It is pretty clear that there are not many eyes on the stock. Any movement is going to have to come from either an aggressive buy-back by the company or some sort of stock promotion. If I recall, HH has already mentioned that he would not be participating in any promotions that would require the issue of additional shares, so a stock promo seems unlikely. That tells me that either HH is going to make a splash in the market with the buy-back or with news.

I called HH through his hotel (Shangri La - New Delhi) when he was in New Delhi a few months ago on business. The main reason I called was to verify that he truly was in New Delhi and not sitting by a pool in Nevada somewhere pretending to be on a business trip. He definitely was there and we spoke for about 45 minutes. He is a very articulate businessman and I was impressed at how sharp his thinking processes were at his advanced age. He has a strong network of people working with him from Japan through Europe, the Middle East, and the US, and I don't think most shareholders have done the DD to even understand that. This is not just HH and SP running around doing things as some people would have you believe.

HH was easy to talk to and shared what he could without going into details that would be problematic insofar as insider information would be concerned. I am sure he would be willing to speak with anyone that called him as long as there was a respectful tone maintained between both parties throughout the conversation. Anyone calling to "give a piece of their mind" (whether they could afford to part with it or not), would likely get a dial tone. HH does not come across as the type to tolerate that sort of thing.

The unfortunate thing is that he has dug himself a very deep hole as far as credibility is concerned and that means that everything he says is going to have to be independently verifiable through official channels. Glowing letters and "confidential" emails from relatively unknown business partners are not going to work. I know HH knows this. I have sent him emails myself saying as much. He knows the quality of PR's the market is willing to accept from him is dramatically different than it was 2 years ago.

If people are expecting the heavens to open and angels to sing on Wednesday or Thurday and suddenly the stock price shoots to dollars or even mid to high dimes, I am afraid they are going to be sadly disappointed. Verification of receipt of the funds is just the first step of all the plans going forward. HH is (painfully) slowly moving forward with his plans for the company. As things happen, the pps will adjust to reflect his true progress. But those expecting to wake up one morning and be suddenly wealthy are in for a rude awakening.

As much as I hate the expression, it really does apply here - HH is playing chess while the shareholders are playing checkers. Unfortunately, I don't think the shareholders are even playing checkers. It is more like Tic-Tac-Toe. The best thing shareholders can hope for is an aggressive buy-back that runs the pps. Otherwise, you are just going to have to wait and hope that HH truly does understand that rock solid verification from government sources is required and that the market reacts favorably to that information.

Good Luck Everyone.