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03/27/01 10:51 PM

#100 RE: Tinroad #99

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to welcome you here.

Also point out this is a work in progress. Feel free to toss in any ideas and they will most likely be incorporated (see the Wish List board)

also a note on the speed: this is been majorly ramped up this week. By end of week, we should be on the new equipment (fingers crossed..)

Let me know if you guys have any questions or need anything!



03/28/01 1:18 AM

#102 RE: Tinroad #99

Samsung Launches New PDA phone

The combination mobile phone and PDA is expected to change the mobile phone culture.
Large touch screen of wide 4 Gray LCD
Internet chatting enabled through touch mail which is capable of sending text and images.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. unveiled the new PDA phone, a product that converges PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) functions on to a mobile phone. This PDA phone is the smallest and thinnest such phone developed by Samsung and offers the "Wide 4 Gray Graphic LCD" (120X240 dots) for better picture quality. Samsung's latest mobile phone was designed with the users' convenience in mind. A large-size touch screen allows users to easily type in text messages and send these messages with image files via the touch mail function. In addition, the PDA phone is available with a flash memory capacity of 8MB allowing multiple users to play internet games simultaneously. Moreover, it has various PDA capabilities that allows the users to manage personal data through scheduling, telephone directory and note-taking functions. In addition, DataSync2000 software that allows data compatibility with Microsoft Outlook is provided with the phone. The PDA phone is an addition to Samsung's line-up of multi-function phones which included Watch Phone, MP3 Phone, TV Phone and Camera Phone.

Specification Category Details
Size 110mm x 49mm x 23mm/ 28 mm (Standard/Extended)
Weight 132g/147g
CPU MSM3000 + ARM7
LCD 120X240 dots
4 Gray Graphic LCD & TSP
Memory Flash : 8MB(user Memory: 3.5 MB), DRAM: 8MB
Color Silver
Battery Packaging 2 Batteries(1 Standard and 1 Extended Battery)

Battery Life
Category Standard Extended
Continuous Talk 130 min. 240 min.
Stand-by 75 - 85 hrs. 140 - 155 hrs.

Source: Samsung Electronics Co
tin- note the cpu used w/ the ARM 7; i dn recognize it but it turns out to be from qcom. i thought qcom involved but i'm not so sure. i think in fact its really TI. recall that qcom and ti recently entered into a 5 yr cross-licensing deal. also i will post a pr between msft and ti how they would be collaborating on the development of the stinger platform. samsung was the 1st OEM to announce it would be coming out with a smart phone based on that platform.