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06/08/05 9:36 PM

#6693 RE: catdoctor #6691

If I may say, that is very good news. Coming from the horses mouth that is. In my opinion of course.


06/08/05 9:44 PM

#6694 RE: catdoctor #6691

Catdoctor: If Daryn listens to my advice, We don't need s8. You betcha!!!! Hehehe!

Posted by: stju1970
In reply to: None Date:5/31/2005 11:23:25 PM
Post #of 6693

[AD] Lately, I have some times to reveiw ibcs's Q1 2005. I find it very fascinated, and interesting.

If you look down on one particular account on the liabilities side, you see, we have $70,554 deferred revenue. If ibcs would recognize the whole $70,554 Deferred revenue in Quarter 2 as revenue, we would have $70,554 revenue. In addition, we haven't included adversiting, sponsorships, and email premium service. So, if you put all the pieces together, we can achieve over $130,000 revenue in Q2, since we know ibcs increases revenue over 60k compared to 27k in Q1 2004. As a result of this recognition, ibcs can achieve net income for Q2 2005.

Let assumed, ibcs did what I suggest(recognize 70K as revenue), ibcs' balance sheet would affect other accounts and result in a stronger balance sheet. How? The effects would be a decreased liabilities, increased assets, and increased shareholder equity value.

This numbers(Factual) I got is based from our recent 10Q. I don't make up number nor would I like. I just used those numbers(refer to F/S) to try to come up with ibcs projected Q2 2005 figure. This is all based on my auditing, and accounting experience. This is just my input for the coming Q2 2005.

Remember, my prediction for Q1 was closed to accuracy regarding Profit, and loss statement.

If anyone(beside the bashers) can present a better scenario for next quarter, I am openned to discusion.

Posted by: stju1970
In reply to: None Date:5/23/2005 8:36:42 PM
Post #of 6693

[AD] The good news for this quarter 1 is that if were not for the tax penalty, we would have make net. But, that is okay. Why? Because this is the best quarter we have since it was incorporated in 2000. Maybe Q2, we will get net income. Now, that we know it is achievable. However, the best new is that ibcs needs not to issue anymore shares(no dilution) since we can grow from our existed resources. Great thing will happen for those who patiencely wait. I know I am holding my shares so tight. Hehehe!!!!


06/09/05 4:19 AM

#6701 RE: catdoctor #6691

cat, that remains to be seen, but seeing a couple of our sponsors really getting jiggy is a good indication that the s8's will be fewer and farer between. Of course our local scum sucker hags on every share issued, but even with what our boys have issued for salaries over the past couple years, it is a mere pittance comapred to what some of the other otcbb and pinks do on a daily basis!

Despite what the scum boy wants all of us to think, D&D have shown that they do care about the shareholders!