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08/14/11 1:12 PM

#653 RE: joenatural #649 the pattern and application of the gilles trahan system...

all gilles trahan owned or affiliated companies have the same and almost exact footprint of execution to shareholders...

this is apparently how gilles operates as these examples display. i'm not making this content up, is here on the web for all to inspect.

is the same being set up for GRDC ?

- rumor of frontloading GRDC stock,

- gilles trahan pays $2500 for IR campaign for GRDC,

- new CEO on GRDC board,

- Market Advisors (the company gilles paid $2500 to tout GRDC) puts out PR that states the price of GRDC will go to .25 (how would they know ? they don't so...this is in momentum play)

- GRDC news of acquisition of another company (exactly like AWSL/Hybridyne and MEVT/Megola)

- will the manufactured gilles trahan skuffle begin soon and the 51% ownership in EG fall through by some unforseen reason ???? will it get the gilles trahan seal of "null and void" excuse ? get ready.

all of this is not a coincidence. this is the pattern that gilles is stuck on and implements to all his companies. it's interesting to note that not one of gilles companies has become a winner...because he doesn't appear to work that end of the business. yet he has five companies (AWSL, MEVT, BYDS, BICS GRDC) all going at the same time and not one of them has fulfilled managements promises to deliver completed financials, ect. to shareholders.

look at the similarities...too obvious and not coincidental...this is the only thing gilles trahan knows how to do with his limited capacity

the AWSL set up...

A year ago, AWSL supposedly acquired a 47.5% stake in Hybridyne Power Systems – later touting Hybridyne’s “best-in-class” technology and its access to an expansive research team – for $2 million worth of its own stock. After publicizing a string of stock-boosting projects secured by Hybridyne, however, AWSL suddenly announced this month that it had canceled its acquisition of the company due to an “unfortunate default by the vendor” that rendered the transaction “null and void.”

acquire a company and call them "best in class" and then trash them later and call the transaction null and void...interesting approach to creating shareholder value.


the MEVT set up

Gilles Trahan, the chairman of AWSL, runs another penny-stock company that has sparked some controversy as well. He doubles as chairman and CEO of MSE Enviro-Tech (OTC: MEVT.PK), which – like AWSL – has come under attack from its former allies.

“I met Gilles in July of 2006,” recalls Megola (OTC: MGON.BB) CEO Joel Gardner. “He had emailed me and said that he was a shareholder in my company and that he could help raise awareness” with investors.

see a pattern here ? gilles is frontlaoding MGON stock and presents himself as a shareholder who can assist with MGON. gilles recommended Market Advisors and gilles paid $2500 for GRDC's IR campaign. he contacts MGON to assist in investor awareness. same pattern.

Over time, Gardner says, MGON grew increasingly concerned about MEVT’s business practices as well. As a supplier to MEVT, he says, MGON worried about the company’s lack of insurance – or even a real office -- in particular.

“We started pressing them to be compliant,” Gardner says. “We said, ‘You have to get business insurance and a real address – like our other clients – or we can’t even do business with you.’”

After that, Gardner says, Gilles retaliated by threatening to hurt MGON. Meanwhile, Gardner says, Gilles somehow arranged for MEVT to sell property rights – which it allegedly didn’t own – to yet another penny-stock company.

In many respects, Gardner’s story sounds eerily similar to Hybridyne’s own.

“All of the sudden, I get a couple of faxes from Gilles in November saying that everything was in default (so) everything was null and void,” Gardner says. “Then a month later, he sells rights that he doesn’t even have.”

theres those words again.."null and void" the same words and same exact pattern and approach to MEVT shareholders and gilles performed on AWSL and Hybridyne..."null and void" not coincidental...this is apparently how gilles operates as these examples display

Gardner has since contacted the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to share his mounting concerns. With the controversies escalating, Gardner hopes that the agency will finally step forward and take some action.

“The bottom line is that AWSL said it owned a large share of Hybridyne – and continued to say so for several months – and then suddenly said the deal fell through,” Hamilton wrote last week. “I’ve been covering the industry and publicly traded companies for 12 years, and no company makes such claims unless the deal is truly done …

“Gotta say, this stinks,” he declared. “And regulators should be all over it.”