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08/13/11 5:02 PM

#28820 RE: BOOYAHH! #28817

You are dead wrong. As usual, you don't give any quote so it's impossible to pinpoint the flaw in your "reasoning".

Monster Silk is a mix of worm silk and sider silk so it is not either but it's gen1 and NOT what the current round of GMs is aimed at.

KBLB is also working on adding an artificial sequence to silkworms and, of course, that fiber will be neither worm nor spider silk. However achievement of that would be much BIGGER than the achievement of spider silk since it would demonstrate the ability to add a wide range of proteins, both natural and artificial (including the spider silk protein) to the silkworm.
That, of course, would be the platform worm. I don't think that that's what they're working on in this round unless they are doing it in addition to pure spider silk.

If you read carefully the PR it is very carefully worded to make it impossible to be sure exactly which of a number of possibilities that they are currently working on and I suspect that he worded it very carefully for that result.

As usual, you do not reveal your "reasoning" if there is any, so there's no way to pick out the flaws in it.

RE: "I can say for certain that no-one on IHUB really represents the story accurately, either from the business or scientific side"

Scientists have very different standards for accuracy than the general public (VERY obvious when reading this board!)

I have never pretended to "know" what KBLB is doing and have very frequently pointed out that what I do is make educated guesses (with my reasoning fully explained (something you might want to try for a change)) and show examples of possibilities. Note that I often point out where things could go wrong and even give examples of possible ways it could happen. Again not claiming to be covering all the possibilites, just give some examples. One of the big reasons I do that is to try to get people to understand that in research the timing is inherently uncertain and that problems often occur but often of little significance (point being that investors should determine the real significance before acting in a panic (AS IN THE CURRENT SITUATION!)

And, of course, as I also point out, I have no inside knowledge of what KBLB is doing and am not a research scientist. My goal has never been to represent the story "accurately", that would be impossible for anyone not working for KBLB. My goal has been to try to help investors understand, within the limitations of their backgrounds, as much as they can about what KBLB is doing and what the potential is.

Obviously I'm not going to be as good at that as a research scientist. But what research scientist is going to come here and do it? My goal is only to make an effort to increase the level of understanding of the technology and I daresay I've done that.

I also try to make it clear that if anyone tries to invent some pure BS to disparage the technology that it will be refuted with sound evidence. I have made a couple of errors but they have been slight and freely acknowledged: I was not aware that evidently KBLB used red eyes as a marker in the earliest attempt at genetic modifications (however that error had no significance to the discussion at hand anyway.)

I would be very happy if someone with a better background came on this board as there are quite a few questions that I would like answered. However it's hard to see what they would get out of such a board. For an example of a board where the discussion is very scientifically knowledgeable and sound, take a look at the inv#storvill@ge SGMO board. Hopefully when KBLB makes the NASDAQ (which I expect it will within two year barring some major problem) many more investors will come and this board will reach that standard.

Until we get pure spider silk (or the platform worm) this company will probably remain well below the street's radar. Which, IMHO, is why the SP is still so low.
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08/13/11 5:10 PM

#28821 RE: BOOYAHH! #28817

Bull, you can bundle me with the speculators if you so wish. Just let me remind you that what I typically respond to are people who twist the facts as they are presented to us through press releases from the company. I do very little speculating and am fact driven. I advise you to read my post again and I think you will not bundle me with the speculators.
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08/13/11 5:11 PM

#28822 RE: BOOYAHH! #28817

<<1. you don’t even know what the results of the first round are as admitted by Thompson. So essentially they have moved on to round 2 without even knowing how round 1 did.>>

LOL...I disagree.
August 8 "We are so confident in the technology," continued Thompson, "that we advanced to the second round of micro-insertions even while we are still awaiting a definitive report on the first round."

Definitive report simply means authoritative. Kim already knows, as he would not have stuck his neck out with the above statement....especially with you sharks in the water. If you want to think they moved on to step 2 without verifying 1.... believe me....Dr. Fraser knows it was successful before sending it in for independent analysis. I at least strongly believe he knows. But it is mis-information to say that Kim admitted they don't know the results. That is way off. Funny how we are each interpreting what Dr. Fraser said as condemnation of what "the other guy" is saying.

I will tell you this. Oil companies know what they are looking at when 2D and 3D data comes in. They still send it out for independent verification. That is what is going on here. Kim knows we have been successful. Thus you would be the one.....questioning and distorting the clear communicated intent of the last PR.

When kblbpatience came out with this...."I e-mailed Dr Fraser this evening just to ask if he was still involved with further KBLB research." I laughed! Nothing against kblbpatience...I think he has a good heart. I laughed because of the fact that he doubted that even Dr. Fraser was involved. This is the atmosphere I think you, mojo, manshoon, and others have created. While being real in some are totally reading what is going on wrong. Where I take issue is that you effectively ONLY give your opinion without for instance.....showing where Kim admitted they didn't know the results. Clearly...its all bull. And THAT is what Dr. Fraser meant by saying "It is very frustrating for me to read." He said that because you just undermined....."Suffice it to say that as far as I am aware there are no inaccuracies in the statements that have been made by Kim Thompson or any of the news releases from KBLB regarding the research effort."
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08/13/11 5:21 PM

#28824 RE: BOOYAHH! #28817

Arn't doing the same thing you are accusing others of doing?\

You long n steady, zinc, etc. have literally been told by the lead scientist that you are MOSTLY WRONG.

Ihub and this blog are littered with half truths and false information as per Dr. Fraser.

Dont you mean We have been literally told by some poster said Fraser said we were MOSTLY WRONG


"Per some guy on ihubs "email" response from Dr Fraser"

Talk about an empty barrel.

You are right that the results CAN NOT be 100% spider silk. They would have to remove the silkworm DNA first. That seems to be what the second round is all about.

So first round says...the ZFN works and we know how to use it.

The second round shows what they can do. That will be where the 100% spider silk would come from
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08/13/11 6:48 PM

#28828 RE: BOOYAHH! #28817

I can see that you trade this stock and are not long. KBLB will be a great long play!