Really are you serious i own 32 domains my self for my companies and i have never once let any of them come close to overlapping and you can pay them out right for multiple years this happens every year and you can have it auto pay. So really again prove to me that they are doing anything. You cannot. And again it shows that a company can't even do the simple things right. No matter the reason. They can be doing a new site. They don't have to take the old one down. They can be doing tons of things but that is the simplest things and they can't even do that right.
Again prove to us that they are doing anything..... You cannot Period.
There is no deal. I'll say it again, it was an RP trial balloon that burst. An LOI? Give me a break. I know, SEC filings blah blah blah. They didn't even spell the name of their supposed financier correctly.