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08/10/11 7:16 PM

#101204 RE: IH Linda (Retired) #101203

This is all I found:

TOU Reminders - All Boards

Spam: Do not post the same or similar message to more than TWO (2) boards within a calendar day. More than that is considered spam. Spam posts will be removed and repeated and/or egregious offenses may result in suspension of your posting privileges.

and I could not find anything about posting similar messages more than twice in one day on one board here:

Aside from there not being anything talking about posting more than twice in one day on one board with similar messages, even if there were, let's be serious. You'd have to put half of BB Stock Haven and MOMO Breakout Board in jail. That's why I want to know what the cutoff is. Why have I done it before and not been put in jail, and I see other people doing it all the time and not be put in jail.

There has to be a point I crossed, and I'd like to know for future reference. 25 posts? 50? 75? I may have gone a bit overboard, but didn't think I'd have two weeks taken away from the year I paid for without a warning. The power stick here should be wielded a bit more carefully because people pay money here. A quick PM like "Dude, cut it out or we'll have to restrict you" would have been enough, because TOS isn't clear on this.