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03/29/01 10:45 AM

#1266 RE: LaShark #1264

¶ SYMY, Progress Data and a quick look....

Figures have been excerpted from the SEC Filings, are approximate and should be read in conjunction with all the Filings...

Quart #shares    Assets   Goodwill  Liability  Revenue  Losses

March 14.4 Mil $530K ----- $470K $100K $86K

June 15.9 Mil $1.6M $700K $600K $470K $760K

Sept 16.2 Mil $7.0M $4.7M $3.5M $2.0M $860K

Dec 17.4 Mil $8.5M $4.3M $4.0M $3.6M $720K


Goodwill (intangible assets) has been noted separately to give a more realistic picture. Overall, the figures show a steady increase in the net asset position and Revenue, while the losses have began to taper off...

Based on these trends, one could reasonably expect some $5 to $6 million revenue in the March Quarter, with losses in the $500K range. In total for the year ended June 2001, SYMY could have total Revenue in the $19 Million range and break even or better in the June Quarter...

The deal with the Hydro-electric Companies appears to be very promising, as they provide a pool of captive customers and already have most of the necessary infrastructure in place. All SYMY needs to do, is tie the pieces together and manage the system for a percentage fee: no need to purchase equipment or spend heavily on acquiring customers...

Insider trading appears non existent...

Disclaimer: This is only the personal opinion of a potentially biased long, not a recommendation and no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions... Would-be investors should carry out extensive Due Diligence and only invest what they can afford to lose... (c)

JMHO, F. Goelo + + +