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08/07/11 9:36 AM

#99961 RE: ThSeeker #99960

I see your point and somewhat agree but, how will they stop it. Seems it would have been easier for the DTC clear those while still under chill. Will the brokers brokers have to administer this so buying and selling does not happen? If this is the case then the brokers (using DTC) Would not allow trades but, only clear their own aged through DTC?

I have read it several times and to me there are several things that are not made very clear.

I do not think DTC will be clearing new buy sell activity during the lift.


08/07/11 10:41 AM

#99964 RE: ThSeeker #99960

I think you are right about this."I think is applies to transactions that the participants executed on these shares AFTER the DTC Chill went into effect. So DTC is giving them a chance to clear those up.".......So the question becomes; if the dtcc is going the clear up the ftd after the chill,why would they do that? Unless they have a plan to go after the FTD before the chill(the main reason for the chill to start with)?
.....I`m not sure either way,I may call on Monday and ask.


08/07/11 12:34 PM

#99968 RE: ThSeeker #99960

You are correct, but there is no point in trying to explain it to the faithful.

It has been obvious from the start that this is a minor housekeeping exercise, but as in every past event, the hype has no interest in reality, just looking for a situation to exploit.

Nothing is going to happen, but the touts will do their best to keep the spin circulating.


08/07/11 3:17 PM

#99972 RE: ThSeeker #99960

Yeah, I don't trust the DTC or their motives. They are in bed with the shorters. All the mumbo - jumbo means nothing, lipservice, non-accountable. We will have to wait and see.



08/07/11 8:39 PM

#99977 RE: ThSeeker #99960

What will the DTC Lift accomplish

It will play a big part as Gene and the transfer agent run for printer..


08/08/11 1:22 AM

#99986 RE: ThSeeker #99960

Edit (sorry all in bold could not correct/edit font)

ThSeeker - Question to all: What will the DTC Lift accomplish and what will it not allow?

I have a feeling most of us do not understand what the temporary DTC chill lift really means.

My comment – I think you are right and I at least may have gotten a little ahead of myself.

ThSeeker - Can someone clearly define what "Aged Fails" really means?
I think is applies to transactions that the participants executed on these shares AFTER the DTC Chill went into effect. So DTC is giving them a chance to clear those up.

My comment – I think you are correct and my initial reading of “Aged Fails” was far too optimistic and assumed too much.

ThSeeker - Will transaction such as NSS or whatever that took place before the Chill even be eligible? I doubt it.

My comment – I doubt it also. It appears that frogdreaming may be correct and this is just a DTCC housecleaning effort. The NSS or whatever that took place BEFORE the Chill does not appear to be eligible.

ThSeeker - So short covering may not be possible in the time slot. At least those that were shorted through the participants (brokers) effected by the DTC chill. This action has nothing to do with those brokers who do/did not use DTC.

Also I do not think this DTC lift means the DTC will allow new transactions to take place. As this action is meant to clean up aged fails not to lift the Chill for business as usual. Since the chill goes back into effect as soon as this cleanup period is over. That is main reason I do not think DTC will be clearing new buy sell activity during the lift.

My comment – I think you are correct again. That is their intent. How they are going to clear the fails to deliver without new buy sell activity is the question.

ThSeeker - So all this short covering expectations may be bogus and not even possible through DTC.

My comment – There will be short covering for fails to deliver. I believe only the participants (market markers) will be able to take advantage of this limited thaw. The volume will be interesting to watch but I now agree with Minnesinger that we should not expect/anticipate billions in volume for the week. The direct phone calls from broker/dealers seeking my shares will have to come later. Minnesinger, I hope you have a comfortable chair also. We still have a wait in front of us.

Fixedops - I see your point and somewhat agree but, how will they stop it. Seems it would have been easier for the DTC clear those while still under chill. Will the brokers brokers have to administer this so buying and selling does not happen? If this is the case then the brokers (using DTC) Would not allow trades but, only clear their own aged through DTC?

My comment – I believe will be pressure on the pps because the MMs who have fails to deliver on the books will have to clear them. How the clearing process will evolve without new trades has not been made clear. Guess we will find out over the next two weeks.

GoGold - I think you are right about this."I think is applies to transactions that the participants executed on these shares AFTER the DTC Chill went into effect. So DTC is giving them a chance to clear those up.".......So the question becomes; if the dtcc is going the clear up the ftd after the chill,why would they do that? Unless they have a plan to go after the FTD before the chill(the main reason for the chill to start with)?

My comment – Something is motivating the DTCC to act and clean up the books. This first step is encouraging but only a first step. I believe the primary reason for the DTCC chill on RCCH was the SEC Gendarme filing. When the Gendarme case is resolved it will be interesting to see the fallout. Will the DTCC continue to clean up? Will the DTCC/SEC bring transparency to the RCCH situation?

GoGold - .....I`m not sure either way,I may call on Monday and ask.

My comment – Please keep us informed of your progress/findings.

ThSeeker - I don't think the DTC goes after anyone. They just don't want to participate in allowing potentially bogus shares to keep trading. Or something along those lines.

My comment – The DTCC has allowed bogus shares to keep trading for a long time. Legacy of RCCH Aged fails stretches further back than 11January 2011 IMO. Waiting for the next shoe (Anvil’s something happens) to drop.

There is an interesting post on the DD Support Board and Fraud Research Team Board by nodummy.

Nodummy - During that same period a chill will remain in place to prevent any other services from taking place including deposits and withdrawals. So in other words - no new trades.


08/08/11 4:54 AM

#99987 RE: ThSeeker #99960

How does RCCH do business with its newly created subs with no phone numbers? no offices? no employees? ----- THIs always crcks me up----stupid--i have a cell phone and im constantly sending out letters and talking to contractors. After the emails i send or the phone calls i make they then get my phone number and address. If im looking for contracts like rcch i am doing the searching for new work, also if they have done business with pinehurst or whoever dont you think they have their phone number----give me something worth talking about besides this bs that is always talked about....

I don't think so. I believe that the dtcc found out how wrong gerdeme was and those 2.1 billion shares that were sold we fraudulent, the chill happened the same time they found out that gerdeme sold shares. I am banking on that the dtcc found out that gerdeme sold fraudelent shares and the brokers that sold bought those fraudelent shares have to buy them back. Its that or the nasty short position. THat is my take and i will stick to that. people that sell your shares this week is in for a rude awakening. I believe this is just the beginning of rcch getting their payback. No responses needed. I will keep my 100 million shares and it will take .25 cents and more to have them.