A deflationary depression would be the result.
The great depression only lasted a decade or so because there was no artificial stimulus to push the bubble higher, the roaring 20's were allowed to bust. Sure some Government intervention delayed a recovery a bit but a more or less natural correction was allowed to follow.
Today this boom is being perpetuated much farther than anything we have ever seen before, and not only that, it is not just one or 2 isolated countries, but the entire western world acting in joint coordination following the same policies to attempt to advert the same catastrophe.
The pin could get pulled at anytime, but I don't think the bankers want that.
If they continue the present economic policy of stimulus and bailouts, a hyper inflation and a destruction of the Currency is at risk.
As Einstein states, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, and expecting a different result.
It only works for a very brief period of time, and then the injections must be more frequent and more intense to keep the system going. First one was in 2008, then 2010 and now we need another in 2011.
This policy has never worked. The end result is a hyperinflationary depression.
Here is another one for you..wealth is never created nor destroyed, it mearly changes form. We are witnessing a massive wealth transfer. Make sure your wealth is in the asset classes that will benefit the best.