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08/05/11 12:46 PM

#4154 RE: sag #4152

Hmmm Sag, very interesting. Four posts on the same subject. Makes me wonder if someone is setting the stage to get out of existing contracts.... ???


08/05/11 12:50 PM

#4155 RE: sag #4152

This / These reports are actually not 'new'. This controversy has been on going for over a year, some of these reports are now just coming to the surface. . . Several Congressional leaders have been pushing the Army about their current choice of body armor, with claims from soldiers in the field many complaints about the current armor being issued.

In fact a current high ranking General's staff ordered Dragon Skin for their inspection tour some time ago in Afganistan. . . the Army current prohibits the use of Dragon Skin. . some of the staff that bough the armor got in trouble, but claimed they did not know about the restriction.

The Dragon Skin armor by Pinnacle Armor has been shown in several demos to defeat rounds that the current Army issue does not.

The Army has been stubborn in their policy and choice of the current armor saying that Dragon Skin armor failed Army testing. The problem has been the Army has not been able to substantiate their claim that the current armor issued is better than the Dragon Skin and do not have the test reports showing its failure.

As a competitor the current military issued armor is not in the ballpark with Kryron or the Dragon Skin. . . Dragon Skin is/will be a tough competitor, since several Senators [I believe McCain included] are supportive of replacing current Armor with Dragon Skin.

BORK will need to do some political 'catch up' once the NIJ Certs come out with regard to the Army's stance on who will provide the next 'batch'.