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08/05/11 12:52 PM

#99858 RE: ThSeeker #99847

Why do people refuse to understand the market they invest in?

Nothing new with that. Bid/ASK posted often does not reflect reality.

The Bid/Ask is the absolute embodiment of reality, it is those who pretend not to understand it that live in the fantasy world.

An investor placing a 'buy' order is NOT placing a 'BID". He is attempting to transact a 'buy'. Those two terms have entirely different meanings.

ONLY an MM can provide a 'BID'. He is publishing the price that he will pay for shares. He is the only one permitted to transact shares on the pink sheets. If an investor wishes to sell shares, the 'bid' is what he can expect to be paid for them. It is a simple concept. It is amazing how so many people cannot understand it.

If an investor wishes to buy shares he can present his 'buy' order, but it is not a 'bid', it is a 'buy' order, if his order matches the published 'Ask' it will be completed, if it doesn't then it will be ignored. Anyone wishing to buy below the ask or sell above the bid is not participating in the marketplace, they are just playing games.

One might just as well ask why someone's ten dollar sell order does not appear in the 'Ask' column.

Only the MMs can transact shares in the pink sheets. All buys and sells take place between an MM and an investor. Only the MM can publish a 'bid' or an 'ask'. Investor orders are considered either 'buy' or 'sell' orders they are not and never have been considered 'bids'.

Anyone pretending otherwise is either ignorant of the market or trying to sell something else.