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08/13/11 11:26 AM

#220780 RE: ONEBGG #219696

It could be that your a tad to the right, and I to the left. One thing is certain. When one party is not sending this country to war the other has been taxing and targeting the middle class. I'm convinced that what the Repubs want is to bring us back to the days of Hoover.

When the country was in total despair he went on vacation. When the Vets of WW1 had no where else to turn but DC with the hope of getting the $2k that was promised them for going the active military was ordered to drive them out, setting fire to the only homes they had,,,,,,,,,,,a tent. Something similar happened at Kent State with the National Guard who shot and killed students for protesting the War in Vietnam. A war that wasn't, a war created on lies, much like Iraq..........Bush and Cheney sleep well with all of their ill gotten gains, and they'll both benefit from retirements that those men and women paid into from their taxes.

If we ever return to a government that is run like a dictatorship, and the people of this nation is silenced from having a voice, like the many that faced the IRS in its heyday of corruption, and the same laws that applied to me and you, but not them we'll be worse for it. There was a time politicians were immune from laws that you and I could be fined and put in jail for. This is what I've determined that the Repubs want, a government that empowers, enriches, and benefits them, the rich, and corporate America who use thousands of lobbyist to do their bidding, the very same ones who use these publicly traded companies like their own personal ATM's. Their both in lock step in taking the jobs out of America away from the people who built them................the bottom line my friend is greed.

In the face of these 2 wars, and if it were not enough for the people who died in 911, soldiers were dying on the battlefield, and the only thing that was in the minds of Wall Street was how to use everyone of us to the limit, the very same people who devastated not only our economy, but others around the world. They benefited greatly off these wars, and those bailouts, off the backs of the American people, and now they're telling us, not asking us, why we need to pay for the National Debt that all of them are responsible for. Sounds kinda like the Brown Shirts in the making.