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Replies to #3102 on Auri Inc (AURI)


08/04/11 9:34 AM

#3103 RE: nerachal #3102

No, not really interesting at all. Here's a re-post from a couple days ago

Why the Altruistic coddling from P&Ddotcom... ?

Ask yourself WHY a group like PnD dot com is on a company like AURI and others.

Do you truly think that it's because they have the investors best interest at heart? Ummm... No...

When's the last time someone actually did something for you out of the goodness of their heart?

That's what I thought...

These PnD guys/girls are based overseas, where they can short pennies with ease... They subscribe to every newsletter on the planet and then they act like they're the great "WatchDogs" of the world having only our best interests in mind...

Meanwhile, they do no DD, they do no Research, they have no basis for "Touting" a stock (which is what they are doing, but just the opposite of these marketers) except that it's been marketed... AMEX, GOOGLE, AAPL, MSFT! All of these companies get marketed.

It's perfectly normal, legal and quite frankly it's necessary. There are way to many public companies out there and that means there's incredible competition for the eyes of potential shareholders... That's why, just like NIKE markets it's company and Cargill markets their company and Microsoft markets its company... AURI and shareholders of AURI Market their company! AURI is a prime example of how a great new public company can use awareness... Real company, real products and amazing dot's connected. It's all a part of getting a great company with great products more awareness! Without the promotions I would never have heard of AURI

I base my AURI investment trigger on stuff like Relationships (Pete Van Praag, Directives west, Nordstroms) and other mainstream media... Forbes Magazine's best new companies lists, Parade Mag Cover etal'

Remember, not many people have your best interests at heart, especially a group like THEY ARE IN IT TO MAKE MONEY! THAT'S IT!

Thanks for listening and I expect AURI to consolidate and make headway north very nicely here this month and when the big bankers come back from their Summer breaks in September and the Fall Line kicks off we should see some really nice movement out of this one...

I'm not a regular poster on these boards but I like to read them and the pnd thing has just been bothering me and had to give you my 2 cents worth...