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08/04/11 12:33 AM

#11528 RE: bladerunner1717 #11525

I have sold some of my dead wood already and I will continue to sell some more in the next few days. Hell, if Ariad keeps going down, I will not have any choice, Ameritrade will be calling!

From the perspective of a small business owner, I am seeing/hearing a little buzz that has been absent before. I am a commercial GC in NY and I see that clients are starting to push some chips on the table. Those build outs/capital improvements that were non-existent before are starting to come back again (slowly). Margins still suck, but that's another story. I hear other small business owners saying similar things. Iandy mentioned today on this board that he is in retail and he is not doing all that bad. Neither is the TJ Maxx and some other big retailer next to him. Point is I am not as fearful as some and have started preparing myself for the comeback. If these idiots in Washington could stop playing politics and do something constructive for this country, we might see a little glimmer of hope in this $hitstorm.

Anyway, good talking to you.