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06/05/05 2:39 PM

#4728 RE: Bramabill #4727

Brambill, Guilty until proven innocent? I thought it was the other way around in this country. Try calling and giving Dave the benefit of the doubt, and then come up with YOUR OWN opinion.

< I read on another board the CEO is dumping a million shares a week and when he asked if it was true the CEO gave them a run around.>

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06/05/05 2:39 PM

#4729 RE: Bramabill #4727

Brama...that is NOT the only reason for the run up. At that time this stock was being played by a couple of groups BIG TIME. to say that the run up was strictly based on form 4's is simply not the truth.

As far as my understanding of the form 4's, if I sit here and explain my version of things there is bound to be someting lost in translation. What I think in my head might not be put down in a post the right way.

Why do you have a problem with calling him and letting him explain things to you in a manner that you can grasp. And if there is something you are not following ask him to elaborate. The guy will take his time with you and believe me he would rather spend two hours on the phone with you making sure you understand things than to have to sit and read BS posts on a message board. Companies are getting fed up with reading misinformation about them and I would suggest that people tread lightly. MSEP has A LOT on the line here and they are not going to sit idly by and watch a few posters destroy everyting they have worked so hard to accomplish.

So again why don't you call him and ask him your questions. And to use the excuse that "of course the CEO is goiing to tell what you wnat to hear" is a COP OUT!!!! The man has to much at stake to risk his carreer by lying to a shareholder. People who say that are paranoid. True, there have been CEO's that lied to shreholders, like Mario Pino and those guys will ultimately face the consequences. If you think Dave is like that you should SELL your shares. But to sit and complain and expect us to give you third hand information is NOT the solution.

I am not going to speak on this again. I have offered my advice. If that is not good enought for you than I wish you luck in your investments and in your life but please stop asking other people to do your work for you. Or to have people explain something that could innocently get misunderstood and not give you the answer you desire. Call the man. And that is not me passing the buck. It is the only way I think you are going to get the satisfaction you want. After talking to Dave you have two options. Accept what he says and let the man do his job, or sell your shares at a profit as you said. Good luck Brama, but the ball is YOUR court.

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06/05/05 6:31 PM

#4741 RE: Bramabill #4727

Bram you are right - only pumpers allowed here. Go to RB - they will probably grease your palms with a few shares to disparage MSEP management. LOL.

Good investors go to heaven. Whiners go broke!