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08/01/11 10:16 PM

#149517 RE: dbleagl #149515

I was just reading that .. they will STOP at nothing ! it is at politico

and here's the flyers .. I can't make sense of them but anyway


08/01/11 10:18 PM

#149519 RE: dbleagl #149515

Then Think Progress - DAVID KOCH’S AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY PLAYS DIRTY TRICK IN WI: MAILS ABSENTEE BALLOTS TO DEMS WITH WRONG ELECTION DATE | David Koch’s right-wing front group Americans for Prosperity has been particularly active in Wisconsin, where AFP has run hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of ads boosting Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), mobilized GOTV efforts for Republican voters, and helped large employers conduct captive meetings to coerce workers into supporting conservative politicians. Now, Politico is reporting that AFP has mailed absentee ballots to Democrats in at least two Wisconsin state Senate recall districts with instructions to return the paperwork after the election date. The mailers, obtained by reporter David Catanese, instruct reliable Democratic voters to return ballots for the Aug. 9 election to the city clerk “before Aug. 11.” “These are people who are our 1's in the voterfile who we already knew. They ain’t AFP members, that’s for damn sure,” a Democratic campaign worker told Politico.



08/01/11 10:29 PM

#149521 RE: dbleagl #149515

dbleagl -- further to the other replies -- those involved in and those sponsoring/supporting this stuff should be arrested, charged, and, pending trial, on their way to some real prison time

should still be well within any applicable statues of limitation when Walker is recalled and has been replaced


08/02/11 1:09 AM

#149541 RE: dbleagl #149515

If you are waiting for fascism to arrive wrapped in a flag and carrying the Bible, think again.

It arrived under the disquise of Freedom Works et al and is being astro-turfed by the Kocksucker Enterprises.