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06/04/05 8:25 PM

#276 RE: Koikaze #275

<<Students must have required courses in Preparing To Vote, beginning (at least) in the third year of high school.>>

How about we begin teaching government (and economics for that matter) in a meaningful way in the third grade -- if not earlier? If the basics are not second nature by the time they reach high school, if not junior high, most kids will have already found other things to interest them and many will never get it, much less care.

In addition to the mandatory voting, there ought to be mandatory registration while kids are still in high school. Much like we give them provisional or student licenses to drive, they should have provisional voter's registration, which becomes effective on their 18th birthday.

Eliminating political parties, although theoretically beneficial overall, has a few pretty serious constitutional problems and would require some reworking of the First Amendment -- a slippery slope that may be worse than the problem it is designed to solve.

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06/06/05 11:01 AM

#278 RE: Koikaze #275

Hi Fred,

That's an interesting thought.

* Voting must be a mandatory obligation.

Some woul dargue the opposite, that it should be earned, but it's pretty easy to see how abusable that would be. I am not sure you know this, but P. Diddy and Paris Hilton (of all people) started a "Vote or Die" campaign previous to the presidential election. Paris forgot to vote so one hopes she will honor her proposed alternative.

You asked me to repost the thought on campaign finance reform so here it is. Sorry for the awkwardness.

I would like to remove campaign contributions and lobbyists. If these guys didn't "owe" anyone, I think coruption and the corrupt people attracted would be far reduced.