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08/01/11 1:34 AM

#149427 RE: F6 #149426

The old-school GOP used to be about small government. Then, the religious kooks and moral crusaders got them by the throat and turned them into a bunch of zealous crackpots.

I can say this as a liberal/progressive: I genuinely miss the old-school GOP'ers: they were smart, practical, and were a lot of fun to debate.

The new brand of GOP'er/birthbagger are, for the most part, dumb as posts and filled with nothing but unfocused hate and baseless arrogance. How sad.
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08/05/11 6:52 AM

#149807 RE: F6 #149426

Gov. Christie Defends Appointing Muslim Judge: ‘This Sharia Law Business Is Crap’

August 3rd, 2011
At this juncture, it may be more efficient to highlight which interactions between New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the media are not newsworthy. The Republican’s appointment of Muslim-American Sohail Mohammed to a state bench this week ruffled some feathers among some who fear the threat of Sharia Law, but when asked about those concerns, Gov. Christie made clear he had no patience for such “ignorance,” calling the complaints “crap.”
“Ignorance is behind the criticism of Sohail Mohammed,” he told a reporter asking about the complaints that he may be inadequate to be a judge because he defended Muslim Americans who were wrongly arrested post-9/11. “He is an extraordinary American who is an outstanding lawyer and played an integral role in the post-September 11th period in building bridges between the Muslim American community in this state and law enforcement,” Gov. Christie argued, adding that he was “disgusted, candidly, by some of the questions he was asked… at the Senate judiciary committee.”
But it was a follow-up question on the fear of Sharia Law that set the governor off. “Sharia Law has nothing to do with this at all, it’s crazy!” he cried. “The guy is an American citizen!” He concluded that the “Sharia Law business is just crap… and I’m tried of dealing with the crazies,” adding with disgust and frustration that “it’s just unnecessary to be accusing this guy of things just because of his religious background.”
[...] [video next below embedded; with comments]


Governor Christie Talks About Superior Court Judge Sohail Mohammed


Gov. Christie is tired of (GOP) Crazies! Oops! - Last Word