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07/30/11 2:50 PM

#219461 RE: ONEBGG #219454

The question ONEBGG is... what are you going to do "now".

REPEAL THE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!!!! The economy is heading into a brick wall and it's time the cause of this crisis paid for causing it. They have the money. The super rich and corporations never had that much cash ever in their history. For them it's like a crisis NEVER HAPPENED. And that's because the bailouts went to them. So not only did they cause it, but they also got bailed out... with interest... and with fat bonus paycheks.... When will the middle class masses wake up???? WHEN???


08/04/11 12:11 AM

#219685 RE: ONEBGG #219454

One, me and you, in many respects are really on the same page. You've said a many things better.

Ya know the safety nets that FDR put into place was just that, a safety net, not a lifestyle, but our politicians that came later distorted all of its true intent, using such things for votes, and for many it grew into a lifestyle, and in many ways it nurtured a class of degenerate people who have hurt us more than any terrorist organization ever has.

It was never meant to filled with fraud and abuse, by individuals, or business, or professionals who are in the business, especially those affiliated with health and pharm industries. But there's wide spread abuse by doctors, and pharmacist alike, and the phoney ones who claim to be. This is the sad part of something that was intended for good..........the ones who chose to take advantage, and it may wind up hurting those who are genuinely in need of assistance.

The old who really need help, the sick, the disabled, our vets, widows, our soldiers on active duty, should not be looked at as a burden, our own grandparents, and parents as you've stated, a brother, sister, might be a child or neighbor are among that mix, and its our duty as a civilized people, if we have any heart to make sure we take care of them, and be glad to do it............if all the things we've tried aren't working today, we need to find a better means, a better way of doing it.

FDR as President, the man worked as hard as anyone ever will in that position, and he did alot a good for the American people as a whole, and the world, helping to save us from the likes of Japan, and Hitler's Nazi's. He tried to heal us as people of one nation. When he died, many a soldier wept, as many did here at home...........A man truly love by most.

He wanted Americans to have opportunity to grow their lives, not on the back of government as its turned out, but to know that there were programs to help if a person fell flat on their face. Something that wasn't there prior to he being president. The list of his accomplishments are endless. The man was a genius. Its just my opinion, and I am still one that believes in God, and Creator, that he was ordained to be president. Wearing 10lbs of leg irons didn't refrain him from trying to make life just a little better for us all. He died without seeing the wars completely over. Out of respect for those still dying on the battlefield, he would not accept a State they'll attend Balls in all the attire befitting them, with champagne glass in hand.

Harry Truman ended it fast and quick, as we should have in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and ended Bin Laden, but if they had, what would the excuse then have been for going into Iraq?.............a place that had no problem with one insurgent......... and we all know they could have, Obama proved as much, but with Bush/Cheney, it was never the intent, nor the goal, or their agenda. Bush has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, and will go down in history as one of our worst presidents..........

Alot of what you've have said sounds alike like my own parents who are gone, both having experienced the Great Depression. Alot of hard times,,,,,,,,,nothing could equate to what people went through in Europe who weren't German, but hard times none the less. Not exaggerating, if someone approached my father with a bundle of cash to lie for them for whatever the reason, and he needed the money badly, "he would have turned it down". I could never live up to him, and it wasn't suggestive of him, I believe it was his hope for all of us that we would live the kind of lives just doing the right things.

Of all people we should expect this much from our elected officials,,,,,,,,,but more often than not its the wrong things for all the wrong reasons. But they expect this much from our soldiers that they put in harms way unjustly so.......In a few more years people will just be tired of hearing about Iraq, I believe already......the only ones who care are those that can make another government contract off it, into the millions or hundreds of millions........but who will never forget it are our service men and women, and their families.......what a waste of our military, and the monetary cost of having done this to them by our leaders.

There are no more Teddy Roosevelt's, or Franklin Roosevelt's, Harry Truman's, nor Dwight Eisenhower's.............a bygone era, and 4 truly remarkable men, and its to bad..............and one I can't help but mention,,,,,,,,,,,,,Patton!, what a character!!. What a mistake Eisenhower made keeping him out of the war when he was most needed...........he made a heck of a comeback!:)

I wonder at times if the Red Army could have driven the Nazi's all the way (into) the English Channel on their own?. Perhaps, but what a long drawn out war it would have been, with the threat of Japan. How many more lost without our combining forces?.

We should have been on a path growing as a country after, keeping us free of war and conflict, but it wasn't meant to be, our politicians, along with our corporations, and the rich that have come out of them, and a corrupted market system, all that seem to work in collusion, made other countries rich, and growth oriented.

Thanks for the responses One.