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07/30/11 1:39 AM

#6547 RE: purefreewater #6543

I just hope that the PR's hold true and that this stock is undervalued and it gets MIllion Dollar contracts and that all the hype this had for a solid week or so was true.

IF it was, then this will probably go up again and hopefully or .02 and remain solid....

at best I hope this is at least what some said, a pump and dump stock, and it will for up around .018 again.....but this time I'll sell.

I got caught in the "I DONT WANNA MISS THE BIG ONE"

I will take profits when i get them and not be afraid to sell only to see a stock go way up and say I missed it. If that happens, so be it. theres always another ship to ride. Dont wait for what could happen, just take what you can.

plus, even if this was to go way up....I shouldve known it would go down a good portion as day traders took profits.....sell and then buy back in low....THIS I SWEAR TO MYSELF...Lol

Just hope I have chance to put lessons learned to use or I am lucky by holding on this one.