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07/29/11 4:41 PM

#99759 RE: Recovering Stock Junkie #99755

true, but we are not in the driver seat to make any decisions about Berlin. Once we get news the IPPS are gone we will get our final payment.

As for continued management fees we need this SEC investigation to finaly bring that to light.


07/29/11 6:13 PM

#99761 RE: Recovering Stock Junkie #99755

From the persceptive of shareholders whatever does or doesn't happen with Berlin is irrelevant at this time. Berlin, New Bedford, CA all may move ahead, however regardless of what progress Laidlaw makes from here on in, it's meaningless unless it translates into share price appreciation. The only way positive news will impact the pps from this point forward is to have Laidlaw either return back to the pinks or uplist to the OTCBB. As long as Laidlaw is relegated to the greys, there isn't a shred of good news IMO that will revive the pps. For that to happen Laidlaw is going to have to make an announcement that all "alleged" SEC infractions have been cleared up and that they're either returning to the pinks or uplisting as I just mentioned.