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07/29/11 1:34 PM

#124896 RE: stockman478 #124893

Thanks for the update stockman...much appreciated!


07/29/11 1:34 PM

#124898 RE: stockman478 #124893


Thanks for that. Very good to hear some truth and yes I read your whole book.


tic toc....


07/29/11 1:38 PM

#124901 RE: stockman478 #124893

Thanks for the great post and update


07/29/11 1:47 PM

#124904 RE: stockman478 #124893


I don't quite get what you stated or implied about JV's. Did you state anything about them?


07/29/11 1:53 PM

#124905 RE: stockman478 #124893

Thanks for that follow up with JZ. I too am a long and the questions I ask are not meant to bash JBII. The only question I have is that if they are only giving away 300 or so gallons, what is going on with the rest? I wish you could have asked that. But we will find out soon enough.

I have a call into JZ, but haven't heard from him yet. I have spoken to him before and he always answers my questions. I just always forget to ask something.

If it is perceived that I am a bashed of JBII nothing could be further from the truth. I am heavily invested as is my 6 yr. Old daughter!!!

I just have questions that I feel are important. Where the fuel is going, whether they are or aren't being paid, how much they are making, and when will they be able to make more are all legitimate questions. And the answers, one way or the other, will affect the pps.

If the answers are positive we go up if perceived negative we go down. Right now the silence from the company, coupled with the bs lawsuits and WN are dragging the stock thru the mud.

I and friends of mine have been buyers on the dips. I am a accumulator. And, like you, wish I had more dry powder at my disposal.

Again, thanks for taking the time to call the company. Good to see people with a little gumption!



07/29/11 1:59 PM

#124908 RE: stockman478 #124893

Thank you for the dry powder here got some not to long ago and bought stock @ $3.16 didn't dream it would go any lower.Still very happy..


07/29/11 2:19 PM

#124917 RE: stockman478 #124893

Thank you 'stockman'. Reaffirms everything I have heard and believe also.


07/29/11 3:07 PM

#124940 RE: stockman478 #124893


Thanks so much for taking the time to post and of course for calling the company. The clarifications you made both about the potential customers who are kicking the tires and the amounts of fuel JBI is giving them to perform their tests is much appreciated. Sounds like by the end of the summer some of those would-be buyers will have signed an agreement. Of course, hearing that the second processor is nearly ready is encouraging as well. Look forward to reading your next post in 2012!
