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08/02/11 1:02 AM

#19793 RE: drummond125 #19684

What percentage of ICBT does ICBS own in return for funding these projects? Put another way. What is the terms of their payback. New York, Montreal , November 18, 2010 –ICBS Ltd. (OTCPK: ICBT), announced today that it is providing shareholders with a update vis a vis general business matters . (What has happened? Haven't heard anything.)

ICBS is awaiting the audited financial statements to be completed by its CPA Andy Platte. Once these are completed , ICBS intends to file the necessary documents with the SEC to become a fully reporting company and move to the OTCBB. The time line given to us for the completion is early spring.

A second meeting with Chinese representatives is set to take place in Albany N.Y. on Friday the 19th of November, to discuss the possible formation of a new company for a joint venture in China regarding not only BioSpec's testing of its equipment, but the distribution of these products thought out the Pacific rim. Also on the agenda is the new cosmetic line of products that ICBS has recently acquired. As to the letter of intent, we have been assured of the letter will be issued by the Chinese government , the process is expected to be completed within the next few weeks.

"BioSpec Global Solutions is currently working on expanding the biomarkers in the TOGS 9000 that will allow detection of extended bacteria such as Listeria and other potentially lethal pathogen's." , said Don Saunders, President of BioSpec. " We will be meeting on November the 26th in Toronto with Toxin Alert Inc., which owns the patents for the placement of biomarkers on plastic. The two companies have signed a NDA. Should the meeting be successful, Toxin Alert's patent process will allow the additional bio markers to be installed in the TOG'S 9000.

BioSpec Global Solutions Inc., will be shortly launching a new website which will provide information Urban, Rural, Industry and Government markets, the site is expected to be up and running within two weeks.

SOURCE: ICBS Limited, BioSpec Global Solutions Inc.

CONTACT: Garth McIntosh, President & CEO

TELEPHONE: 514-932-4402