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08/02/11 2:43 PM

#7053 RE: cynicismisgood #7051

The wise investor will look at this stock to the extent they know it exists. Without a PR or continuation of PR's that say nothing new, no one will find it. I am pretty sure the stock market could implode if the US defaults on its debt and this stock will just sit there as it always one buying, no one selling. At least it is in strong hands. Could be worse.

Agreed. Even if there wasn't a debt ceiling increase there wasn't going to be a default. That is just something the Obama Administration was using as a scare tactic. We had plenty of money coming in to finish out FY 2011. The Budget deal will most-likely be the next major debate in politics as Congress is at least going to have to pass some form of budget proposal for the coming year. Even if it is little more than a CR with the cuts from this deal starting to take affect.

What the market is looking for, IMO, is functionality. You can't continue to have situations in which Dems don't put forward a single soletary plan and criticize Republican plan(s) until crunch time.

You can't keep having situations in which there is a tacit deal in place and then the President attempts to interject another criteria at the last minute. A.K.A. Move the goal posts like Daschel tried to do in 2000. Nor should we have a situation in which we still have a tacit deal between the two parties and then the president comes on live television to beg people to call their representatives and ask them to increase taxes. All of this distracts and detracts from the business needed at hand.

Suffice it to say, Wall Street is not impressed yet, or is taking some time to ensure the deal gets signed before business returns to something reflecting normalcy.

The point of my previous post and this one is, if there were anything HSCC wanted to post publicly or even advertise on television... These last 3 months, with Washington mis-behaving and not tending to business, is not exactly the environment you want to try and have a major PR campaign in.

Which is sad really, because now, instead of putting some money into the market, your going to see people put money into the pockets of the encumbant politician's re-election campaign purse. This is an insulting situation to an investor and a business person.

The Dems are going to ask their business base to invest in them, when they cannot even pass a budget. Not a ballanced budget mind you, they still don't have to do that, they just simply didn't even try. Now they are going to come to their business base and ask for campaign contributions? I feel sorry for Business owners who are Dems. That has got to be the worst insult yet.

Additionally, with the deal that has been reached, they still don't know where the other cuts are going to come from and Dems are still trying to sneak tax increases into the formula.

So in summary, the bad news is, things are probably not going to change much if at all, in the next few months to a year. However, this still means that if you can refrain from making too exhorbant a Democratic Party campaign contribution, you can affort more HSCC stock at 01.2 cents a share.

Investors, do what you can to capitalize on what you can, given the environment.