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07/26/11 11:05 PM

#182 RE: Flexologist #181

Made some coin on this too!!! saw this on my scanner yesteray and pulled the trigger @ .03 ...was not dissapointed only at the fact that i didnt get filled yesterday cheap :( would have really made the day!!! play the MOMO and HYPE folks...if your a serious full time trader you have to risk sometimes for huge rewards...pull down your skirts and make some money and slap the ask...I learned that bid sitting can cost you mucho K! At the same time...for all you railbirds....I am loving all you haters...always will!!! Best of luck... this has alot more in her IMHO and will be reaping off this MOMO! My calls have been pretty sweet the last few weeks....just have to have some patience and not get greedy...a profit is a profit!!! But dont risk or gamble what you cant afford to lose!!! Dont forget this is the largest casino in the world!