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Shadow Trader

07/23/11 6:50 PM

#26777 RE: visualblind #26774

50% agree. It is simple, and that is good. It is direct to the point, that is good. But it misses showcasing Justin Bieber. You can enter to win the jacket (significant for fans), but I would have expected more info about Bieber and RAB and why it is important to download the app. After all, they have this resource, why not use it? Another nag is that if you look at Bieber's website(s) such as his music page, someday page, get the impression that he is "BIG TIME"...but you look at PhoneGuard and there is nothing special about it (yet). I would be so bold as to say that next week or so that their page will look like a million bucks, but it doesn't right now.

Most people who have been on this forum beyond 2 months know my character. I am telling my straight opinion. I have a media and graphics background as well. It's just my opinion and I am certainly no basher. I just want to see this aspect get fixed so when the gun decides to blaze, it WILL BLAZE PROPERLY.
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07/23/11 7:12 PM

#26792 RE: visualblind #26774

exactly, successful websites are ones that are clean simple and to the point, nothing worse than going to a site and having to deal with a bunch of animated crap, if its going to go viral, it cant freeze up peoples computers trying to load the page, KEEP IT CLEAN!

and i should know, i have done CS and TS for several major websites, the more complicated, the bigger pain in the ass.