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07/23/11 2:26 PM

#17241 RE: Slashnuts #17237

I am curious to know what you saw.

Edit: I read again. Also, post 73320 under VMGI added another angle that may favor us in the long term.
I have a feeling I sniffed it out on a second look but will wait for your analysis.
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07/23/11 2:41 PM

#17242 RE: Slashnuts #17237

Please do post it

The positives I can extract from that PR are:

- reduced debt by about another $7 million
- strengthened our patent portfolio
- won substantial new business during 2011
- executed licenses with about 15% of the ethanol industry, with more coming during the second half of the year
- expect to be generating sufficient annualized sales by the end of year to achieve profitability

But those are insufficient to boost optimism, I'm still stucked between 50/50.
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07/23/11 3:01 PM

#17245 RE: Slashnuts #17237

Were you referring to this little gem?

The reverse stock split is intended to facilitate realization of these objectives while positioning the company to take advantage of strategic growth and other opportunities as they materialize.
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07/23/11 3:49 PM

#17255 RE: Slashnuts #17237

love a challenge..hmm..there was a lot of good news in the release but what exactly are you zero'ing in on...hmmm..the statement about consistent profitability? or possibly that the time has come to streamline the capital structure? that means more than the R/S to me...that means bye bye PCs!

Looking forward to your post Sunday night - and any insights you care to share.
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07/23/11 5:11 PM

#17260 RE: Slashnuts #17237


I think you are referring to the statement about 15% market share, up from 10%.

I made a comment about that, yesterday, but everyone seemed to pass over it without notice.

Sure, that's great news, but only if you are a creditor and/or preferred stockholder.

It bumps the future enterprise value up to $600 Million, up from $400 Million.

But, if we are going to get diluted by another 10, 100, or even 1000X, then SO WHAT? Common stockholders still lose everything while KK & EC reap huge rewards on our backs.

Being a common stockholder in this company is like being an indentured servant of Kevin Kreisler. He is going to make well over $100 Million on this venture, and common stockholders will get little-to-nothing after all the dilution.

The problem is that with such a depressed stock price, even relatively small amounts of debt conversion will dilute us exorbitantly.

Basically, what it comes down to is this ... if you buy this stock, you are just making a gift to Kevin Kreisler. You are paying off his debts, with very little participation in the upside potential.

He has already reaped well over $100 Million in such "gifts" from Common Stockholders. As shown on the Additional Paid In Capital line of the balance sheet, Common Stockholders have invested over $113 Million into this company, and based on Friday's close, that is currently worth only $1.4 Million dollars.

I, for one, am tired of watching Kevin get rich on my back; and I really don't give a damn about the miniscule environmental benefits allegedly created by this technology. As far as I am concerned, the world would be a better place right now if Kevin had spent the last decade serving in Iraq instead of fleecing the general public with this stock and the others in his shell game.

That said, there are really only four rays of hope left to cling to, at this stage:

1. A quick settlement of the litigation, enough to pay off debts without any further dilution.

2. A surge in oil prices, enough to boost GERS profitability to a point where the debts can be paid without further dilution.

3. Enough new contracts come online fast enough to pay off debts without further dilution.

4. A new recapitalization of the debts that postpones their maturity enough to prevent further dilution.

5. Shareholder litigation that forces a capital restructure in favor of the common stockholders.

6. A major stock repurchase in 2013 that overcomes the dilution and finally creates a strong return for common stockholders.

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07/23/11 5:57 PM

#17266 RE: Slashnuts #17237

Is it like Joe1979 said they Won Substantial New Business?
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07/23/11 6:16 PM

#17270 RE: Slashnuts #17237

My guess of the big news is

" In total, we have executed licenses with about 15% of the ethanol industry, with execution of additional licenses expected during the second half of this year."

At this point I am really hoping that there is a steady supply of news until the R/S. What would happen to the share price if the following things are wrapping up...

1) A winning result of the hearing possibly in the hundreds of millions since there were so many infringers combined.

2) Start collecting royalties from the infringers who now are paying users to continue using GERS method.

3) Possibly sign up other companies waiting in the shadows for the Markman hearing to be over before they jump in.

I am not saying any of these are happening. But at this point seeing millions of shares reduced to thousands soon makes me now hope and pray for the best, and soon. It was once said by a few people here that a RS at the right time might not be a bad thing. Lets cross our fingers this will end up being the right time, and we will see a steady supply of news soon.

Again, I am only hoping for this, since like it or not we are going for a ride and can only hope we dont crash.

Just my thoughts.

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07/23/11 7:22 PM

#17276 RE: Slashnuts #17237

Slashnuts I have been reading your post for two years now and 90% of the time you have been on point. Which I am very happy for that, my 82000000 will be turn into 82000 shortly. I do have a little fear about what is going to take place in the next 60 days. I want to put a hats off to you before that party starts. I work in Las Vegas as a table games dealer so I do know what a gamble is. The reward is greater then the risk. This goes out to all you other guys don't let the bashers get to you they just want you to dump your shares so they can get all the .ooo1 before the split this is not going to go under .10 cent if you have been following this company today is today and yesterday is to yesterday.
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07/24/11 5:28 PM

#17347 RE: Slashnuts #17237

you're talking about "transitioned to operating income"
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07/24/11 6:25 PM

#17360 RE: Slashnuts #17237

Well, it would seem to me that even after paying down debt of 7 million dollars this last quarter, KK did not consider the company profitable, therefore KK is only going to consider the company profitable after the debt is repaid. So it appears that KK is stating that the debt will be repaid, not later then the end of the year, so as to achieve profitability.