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07/23/11 10:57 AM

#10983 RE: JJM760 #10982

I hope there isnt a meltdown, that will be pretty pathetic if there is. Whats even more pathetic is the posturing and grandstanding THIS CLOSE to a possible default. The implications of a US default will be disasterous for global markets....and these idiots are complaining about taxes and loopholes.


07/23/11 11:44 AM

#10985 RE: JJM760 #10982

Good post. The nonsense in Washington will be resolved one way or the other soon and I hope that their will be appropriate increases in taxes on the very wealthy as well as give backs in the entitlement programs which are draining the economy... both are necessary to get us back on a proper footing. As regards Ariad, like BTH and others here, most of my shares were purchased at two and under, so a little profit taking is appropriate for me personally as well. However, I guess I have a fairly strong tolerance for risk, as I do not see any great need to sell off the vast majority of shares I own now, and the greater risk for me would be not being able to purchase them back later at a lower cost. I think the run is far from over, although there could certainly be a correction soon as BTH appears to believe is likely. If there is, well I suppose we will have to suffer through it. Fortunately, I dont need the money now, and I firmly believe that a year from now we will be considerably higher as information on 113's efficacy becomes available. I believe 113 will be as effective as Ponatinib; however, as the potential market is so much larger than Ponatinib, 113 should propel the stock price much higher at that point. Everyone's situation is different, of course, and I wish BTH well with his profits. I certainly have enjoyed the small percentage I have taken off the table as well, and will continue to do so in the future at what I consider appropriate targets. Good luck to all the investors on this terrific board, the best one I have observed and occasionally participated in.


07/23/11 2:29 PM

#10992 RE: JJM760 #10982

I think one would have to be off their nut not to be affected by the goings on in Washington.
We make advances in science all the time but politics seems to (for the most part)stay in the caveman stage.
Hard to fathom the fact that some of those guys are perfectly willing to play Russian roulette with the nations (and possibly the worlds) economy.

Sorry for the rant.