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07/23/11 7:19 AM

#148397 RE: F6 #148387

Norway attacks: profile of suspect Anders Behring Breivik

Anders Behring Breivik

Anders Behring Breivik, the main suspect in the Norwegian bomb attacks and shootings, has been described by police as a Christian fundamentalist with right-wing views.

11:59AM BST 23 Jul 2011

The blond-haired 32-year-old appears to have set up accounts on the social networking sites Facebook and Twitter just a few days ago.

Although police have not officially named Breivik as the suspect, Norwegian media identified him as the gunman. Police say the suspect is talking to police and was keen to "explain himself".

Eyewitness reports from the island of Utoya, where the shootings [ ] took place, have also described a tall, blond haired, blue-eyed Norwegian man dressed as a police officer.

On the Facebook page attributed to him, Mr Breivik describes himself as a Christian and a conservative. It listed his interests as hunting, body building and freemasonry. His profile also listed him as single. The page has since been taken down.

Police chief Svinung Sponheim said that internet posting by Breivik suggested he has "some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views".

Police officials have also said that the suspect appeared to have posted on websites with Christian fundamentalist tendencies.

Mr Breivik had served in the Norwegian military doing national service and had no criminal record according to reports.

He is believed to have grown up in Oslo and studied at the Oslo School of Management, which offers degrees and postgraduate courses.

Government business records show him as the sole director of Breivik Geofarm, a company Norwegian media is describing as a farming sole proprietorship.

The company was set up to cultivate vegetables, melons, roots and tubers, Norway's TV2 says, and speculation in local media is rife that through such a link he may have had access to fertiliser, an ingredient used in bomb-making.

The Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang [ ] quoted a friend as saying that the suspect turned to right-wing extremism when in his late 20s. The newspaper also said that he participated in online forums expressing strong nationalistic views.

A Twitter account attributed to the suspect has also emerged but it only has one post, which is a quote from the philosopher John Stuart Mill: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests."

As with his Facebook page, the tweet was posted on July 17.

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07/24/11 2:05 PM

#148482 RE: F6 #148387

I read this from Charles Johnson (little green footballs) yesterday, I know he used to be a part of this pamela geller 'anti-muslim circuit and then some years back he completely turned around and outright confronted them and told them they were wrong and he showed them why with many many posts. The result of that of course, was that They HATED him for it, they hated him for being honest with his research and thoughts PLUS he felt so sincerely bad about being a part of it, that he was motivated to completely disown the racism and Call it Out ...Since that time he is no doubt probably the best for putting things together as HE used to be a part of it. This post was on friday ...

Breaking: Oslo Terrorist 'Tied to Right Wing Extremism' - Update: A Pamela Geller Fan

A violent anti-government Norwegian wingnut

Charles Johnson Fri Jul 22, 2011 at 4:44 pm PDT
Views: 38,671 ..(that's a lot of views for a little blog!)

The latest reports coming in from Norwegian sources say the man arrested in the bombing and massacre in Oslo, Anders Behring Breivik, has ties to right wing extremism and does not appear to be linked to Islamic terrorism.

More updates on the situation from LGF reader oslogin:

By the way, he has commented on the web site, a Norwegian web site noted for criticism against the current immigration policies, but where the editorial team is rather moderate (well, in this context). All the people leaving comments on it are not. In this google-cached blog post he comments, recommending a post at [Pamela Geller’s] Atlas Shrugs. [ ]

And here he gives cred to a comment from Fjordman. [ ]

UPDATE at 7/22/11 5:39:11 pm

Here’s a Norwegian blog with some interesting but unverified information on Anders Behring Breivik and a photograph; the Google Translated version: [ ]

Anders Behring Breivik has previously driven the blog Fjordman and later for many years been a writer for the anti-Muslim and Zionist bloggers Gates of Vienna and Jihad Watch, under the pseudonym Fjordman. [ ] [ ]

On July 17, released Anders Behring Breivik a message on Twitter where he writes that “One person with a belief is Equal To The force of 100,000 WHO Have only not raised.”

The death toll in this attack is now over 80…

I love google translate ! all you have to do is put any link in and voila .. .. ;) you've got the article in any language you want ... ;)
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07/24/11 2:22 PM

#148483 RE: F6 #148387

Oslo Terrorism Updates: Killer Funded 'Counter-Jihad' Movement
A product of the ‘counter-jihad’ blogs

Charles Johnson Sat Jul 23, 2011 at 11:36 am PDT

Here’s an update from the right wing Swedish website “Tidningen Realisten,” which reported yesterday that the Oslo terrorist may have been notorious white nationalist blogger “Fjordman.” They acknowledge today that this isn’t the case, but they say Anders Behring Breivik himself claimed to be “Fjordman:” Google Translation:

Updated at. 03:37

Data in the evening argues that Fjordman during the day writing an article and thus can not be identical with Anders Behring Breivik. Our information is based on Breivik for about a year ago myself claimed to be the blogger Fjordman. Of course, the task to be inaccurate, if not so many writers hid behind the name. The fact that several people tonight gave himself for being Fjordman suggests that it could be the case. If Fjordman feel unduly singled out, he is welcome with a clarification. Breivik, among other things on his Facebook page earlier expressed the same opinions as Fjordman has spread in their texts so we did not see reason to distrust his own statement that he was the man
behind the pseudonym. -- -

For more information on Breivik’s influences (which include Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and the Gates of Vienna blog), LGF reader Sergey Romanov put together an excellent LGF Page with translations of comments posted by Breivik at a Norwegian website: Mind of a Counter-Jihadi: Visualizing Anders Breivik’s ideology [ ]

It appears that Breivik was contributing a great deal of money to the far right “counter-jihad” movement (or at least, he boasted that he was):

I ran the business a few years while I studied and earned a few million so I could finance a inntektsløs politically active life. I now use these funds to be able to work full time to further develop / promote the Vienna Academy (Vienna school of thought) that Fjordman, Bat Yeor, Spencer + many others have already contributed so much till.
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07/24/11 2:44 PM

#148487 RE: F6 #148387

Pamela Geller Lashes Out: 'The Little Green Shew'
Like a cornered rat on Stoli

Charles Johnson Sat Jul 23, 2011 at 1:21 pm PDT

Obviously feeling backed into a corner, Pamela Geller lashes out with her patented incoherent malice: NORWAY SHOOTER A CHARLES JOHNSON FAN!!!! [ ]

The shooter links to LGF (before he went psycho). The above is the original. From here.

More Screenshots here from Mark Humphries (as well as links to myriad other websites etc.)

In CJ’s world, this makes him culpable, does it not? Over ninety people are dead in this horror and many wounded, and this psychopath is using this to incite hatred against me and those of us who are fighting for freedom and Western values. Shame on him for using these deaths to carry out his selfish personal vendetta.

No one is explaining what his anti-Muslim views (if he really had them) have to do with his attacks. Maybe the shooter was like Johnson and turned.

The shooter once posted ONE link to Atlas. ONE link. And the little green shew [sic] posts that he was my fan and made that the center of the story — not what the rest of the world did, mourning dead children.

Pamela doesn’t link to the page where Breivik posted one link to LGF, and the reason is obvious — because if you look at the whole thing you’ll notice that the link to LGF is accompanied by links to newspaper sites, Wikipedia, and all kinds of other places. Here’s the actual page, in a Google translated version. [ ]

Notice that contrary to Geller’s assertion, there are two links to her site there, not one. And also notice that Breivik explicitly admires Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and “Fjordman:”

I feel it is important to create a pan-European platform for rhetoric / objectives / policy analysis / research of historical factors relevant to so and transfer this knowledge to every nation. It pan-Europeiske/US environment Robert Spencer, Fjordman, Atlas [Pamela Geller], Analekta + 50 other EU / U.S. bloggers (and Facebook groups) is the epicenteret for policy analysis and has been for some years.

Nobody in that “counter-jihad” crowd will ever link to my site with approval again, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve made it extremely clear, for years, that I want nothing to do with their hate speech and bigotry.

This situation in Norway is exactly why I tossed all those people out of LGF and cut all ties with Spencer and Geller and their crowd of bigots and haters. I guarantee that Anders Behring Breivik was not a fan of LGF, and Geller knows this very well.

On the contrary, Breivik is a product of the groups and causes Pamela Geller continues to promote to this day.
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07/24/11 3:07 PM

#148491 RE: F6 #148387

Forbes Writer Gets Oslo Terrorist Story Very Wrong

No, LGF is not ‘popular among anti-Islam activists’

Charles Johnson Sun Jul 24, 2011 at 9:41 am PDT

Note to Forbes writer Abigail R. Esman: you really should do some research before lumping me in with the “counter-jihad” bigots: What Really Lies Behind The Oslo Attacks – And Why It May Happen Again - Abigail R. Esman. [ ]

At this writing, the sole suspect in custody is 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, who for the past several years has kept up running commentary on the site (Google translation posted here ), a right-wing blog where he has targeted liberals, Muslims, and multiculturalism (“an anti-European ideology of hate that aims to destroy European culture, identity, and Christianity”). Yet nothing in these writings greatly distinguishes him from other followers of such blogs: he frequently praises a writer who goes by the name “Fjordman” and who is well known on the conservative, largely anti-Islam circuit; and he often cites posts from the site Little Green Footballs and Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugged , both of which are popular not only among anti-Islam activists, but amont even more moderate types concerned about the rise of radical Islam in the West.

I’ve had nothing to do with the “anti-Islam” blogosphere for years — in fact, they absolutely hate my guts. And Breivik did not cite posts from Little Green Footballs — he republished old articles by “Fjordman” that cited LGF, and he also cites many articles viciously attacking me. For example, on page 636:

“I have watched, for the better part of a year, a number of decent human beings including, but not limited to, Pamela Geller, Paul Belien, Diana West, the Baron and Dymphna from the Gates of Vienna blog and many others, being at the receiving end of a vicious smear campaign from Charles Johnson and Little Green Footballs which is unlike anything I have seen in my life. After engaging in an insane witch-hunt on imaginary Fascists, whose ranks seem to grow every month, Mr. Johnson now suddenly chooses to look the other way in silence when very real Fascists use violence to silence their critics in a major Western city. I admit that makes me angry, and I think I have the right to be so.

The time has now come for Mr. Johnson to apologise in public to the numerous people he has smeared since the fall of 2007, starting with the ones I have mentioned above. It’s not their credibility that’s on the line here. It’s his. If he continues to undermine those confronting Islamic infiltration, it will become increasingly difficult for LGF to present itself as an anti-Jihad website at all. At some point, the rapidly shrinking number of people in the northern hemisphere who haven’t been banned from the site yet will be forced to ask themselves whether the website and its owner have simply switched teams and joined the Dark Side.”

I never “apologized” for calling out these bigots and neo-fascists, and I never will.

Ms Esman, this should be corrected.

Esman has now removed the reference to LGF, with no comment, after I contacted her via email.

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07/24/11 3:15 PM

#148493 RE: F6 #148387

1 hour 32 min ago - Norway

The chief surgeon at a hospital treating victims of Norway's camp massacre says the killer used special bullets designed to disintegrate inside the body and cause maximum internal damage. And ballistics experts say so-called dum-dum bullets also are lighter in weight, can be fired with greater accuracy over varying distances and are commonly are used by air marshals and hunters of small animals.

Colin Poole, head of surgery at Ringriket Hospital in Honefoss, northwest of Oslo, told the AP news agency surgeons treating 16 gunshot victims have recovered no full bullets:

These bullets more or less exploded inside the body ... These bullets inflicted internal damage that's absolutely horrible.

.........I heard yesterday on cnni that if convicted of all this murder ..the maximum sentence will be twenty years, I see one of the ways they keep expenses down ..

this damn dirty bastard (IF guilty) should go to the hague !