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07/22/11 3:44 PM

#30553 RE: ernesttbass #30552

Finally someone makes an intelligent post! It's clear as day smarts holds and critics fold! Black is not stupid, for all longs we are in for a huge payday! I'm thinking if u bought in for under .004 then eventually u should see a return between 10-50x initial investment. Wait and see. Do we know an approximent number of floats, outstanding, and actual amount of shares
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Made Young

07/22/11 3:59 PM

#30556 RE: ernesttbass #30552

Great post ernesttbass!


Green now because of all the shares I purchased in the last 4 months on days this board was negative and the pps was under $.002. Fear and negativity are always easier to believe than positives. It has made for some good buying opportunities.

Unlike the previous 2 PR's, the pps has not dropped. It went up and now has maintained itself around $.004. Something is different with this PR. Large blocks of shares have been bought, not sold. Someone knows something.

Am I totally happy with the lack of info we are getting? No, but I still own every share I have purchased and an sticking around to find out what all the big money knows.

If you have done your DD and bought because of that, think hard before you let the bashers take your money.

Good luck to all the fellow longs on this board.


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07/23/11 12:48 PM

#30571 RE: ernesttbass #30552

Nice summary EB. In step with you on your bullets. I average out about $.007 so my exit strategy probably different than yours. That can be said for most of us.

All shenanigans aside, HNSS obviously not a $.20 - $.25 company (at this stage). Bidding would not have started at $.01. That's with multiple revenue streams, patents real, open Euro market, Fortune 500 connections, debtless, profits, etc. But we're NOT $.01 - $.03 either.

With just half the aforementioned real it's just impossible HNSS worth $.01. Huge, expanding, worldwide industry. Product line required by physicians / nurses / techs in every hospital and every dental office and every lab and every doctor's office on Earth. The $.01 buyout offer is someone / some entity seriously pulling our chain. And as I've said before I believe it's attributed in part to Mr B at some level wanting to grab a little bigger piece of the pie than pure share price. Could obviously be wrong. Maybe / maybe not.

We've witnessed strange turns-of-events lately:

(1) Dilution
(2) Inconsistent Q1 financial information
(3) Buyout offer Board Recommended / Not-recommended

Naysayers will exploit by chanting the proverbial "scam" mantra. i say no way for two reasons:

(1) December $2M deal sending Mr Grofe packing for cash / other considerations
(2) Previous HNSS made-public filing with SEC

If the company wasn't legit the two aforementioned constitute serious violations of federal law with multiple agencies -- IRS, SEC. Nobody in America wants to go there. If they're sane. There's enough meat on them bones with multiple agency jurisdiction that the feds could see media face time and take a peek. Company legit.

I'm thinking HNSS somewhere in the $.05 - $.10 range TODAY. That's with zero exposure to documentation regarding business relationships, associations, audited financials, business plan, patents status, etc etc Bottomline -- that's thumb-in-the-wind, extensive DD per available Internet sources and message board leads best-I-can-do-projection under current circumstances...

And you're right -- for once we've got reasonably stable share price with some bigger investors throwing a little cash around. $.01 is a joke and everybody knows it but things could be a lot worse. Let's hope Mr B provides some solid leadership in the coming weeks and months that makes longs and his own investment into winners...