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06/01/05 6:58 PM

#1451 RE: VST7 #1448

Investo7, I plan on placing another call to Mr. Eicke tomorrow and seeing if he will give me the time of day. In all honesty, I really just want to hear from his mouth exactly what Cornell Capital does. Sure I know they provide financing in the form of CD's to companies but I want to hear that they DON'T short companies into oblivion etc. Am I pissed at what they have aledgedly done, absolutely, but I refuse to sink to their level. I plan on being very cordial and simply try to get some information. Who knows, his reaction might be better than we all think.

If what we read on this board is true and MLXO has a few PR's getting ready for release...who knows, we could be trading in the teens by the end of next week, doudtful but hey, it's fun to dream.

In other news, stay away from MOBL, they are into Cornell for a $15.5 million CD; postedright on the Cornell website. I expect their SP to hit the toilet pretty soon. Maybe when they get screwed like MLXO has been, it will be a good time to pick some up. Radar MOBL for the sewer plunge.


hurley cruppers

06/01/05 10:24 PM

#1454 RE: VST7 #1448

Investo7, you rock! I will call 'em, too, eom