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07/20/11 12:42 PM

#98616 RE: venomen2002 #98615

Got any financials to back that up???
OH WAIT ... EXPH hasn't filed anything for six quarters now.
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07/20/11 12:44 PM

#98617 RE: venomen2002 #98615

Sorry, some here have reported a NEGATIVE net value for EXPO. Do have any financials or supporting links?! Thought so, false! EXPH has not traded above 0.0004 since November of 2010. If people saw the value you speak of there would be many buyers. Oooooops, don't see them?!
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07/20/11 12:53 PM

#98619 RE: venomen2002 #98615

yep ..

and that is why the shorts' *efforts* are increasing ;-)

gonna call reg sho .. imo the 6M and 9.9M were *done*
to *DILUTE* the reg sho reported .. instead of showing
100 percent like yesterday's 1M trade at ask ... those trades <6M & 9.9M>
were done to show a percentage of approx 50 percent today :0

we'll know at 5:30 pm today

edit>>> oh and veno .. also done for the *obvious* keep
exph's *volume* up so that avg's don't *SLIDE BACK* .. lol

Volume 28,401,000
10-Day Average Volume 10,207,647
90-Day Average Volume 13,073,125

btw .. that last trade to bid <.0002> for 131,000 shares
was reflected via shares off of the bid size .. bid now showing

137,018,595 on bid at .0002 .. lol

oh and ETMM is showing 5M on the ask <.0003>

BID still DOMINATES .. lol

nite back to .0004 on ask with auto

all jmo

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Santa Barbara Broker

07/20/11 3:53 PM

#98627 RE: venomen2002 #98615

Expo Holdings has no cash on hand that isn't owed to someone else. They are NOT "paying down debt". They are INCREASING their debt. They can barely pay their current bills. They have not been "vetted by Lowes and a bank". There was no reason, no one in their right mind would lend then a dime. Lowes vetted only the contract Expo sent them because they couldn't believe how low the cost for the displays were. That was because Expo doesn't make money selling displays and can afford to lose thousands doing so. The display "business" is just a front, as you know, for their real business...which is selling shares to PIPE funders and other accredited investors at a discount to raise cash to enrich the principals. Principals who don't care about their shareholders or the display business at all...only themselves.

Expo Holdings is deeply in debt. Their true net worth is estimated accurately (rather than through wishful thinking) to be negative ($550K) or about -(.000164) a share. They will soon be forced to do one of three things...declare bankruptcy, continue dilution at a rate that will make last October thru February look like a grade school picnic or do a reverse merger into a new stock laden, mega-diltionary scam shell run by professional scammsters like the guys who helped Harrs and Brown start Expo to begin with. End result from either of the three outcomes? Simple, current shares worth NOTHING. Unless a shareholder lawsuit bankrupts them first of course.

You should try actually doing some research on the company...all the actual FACTS are online to vet the information I have provided. Just as they are there to prove everything you have stated as "factual" is non-existent. Most of the actual facts I use are coming from Expo Holdings own issued numbers and PRs. Have a nice day. IMHO.
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07/20/11 11:48 PM

#98646 RE: venomen2002 #98615

Based on equipment and inventory which is 100% lien encumbered the true MC is a negative number.

gotta hate being a non-insider shareholder.

The company is mired in debt and revenue does NOT keep pace with expenses. With minimal cash on hand, selling tools and no longer needed equipment sure came in handy. Not to mention the 180k which represents payment in full for CIMA work which is still in progress. Paul got paid but Peter will soon be upset. I would say that the company is insolvent regardless of the touting efforts of others.

July is coming to end with no removal of the STOP sign on pink sheets, no ownership forms filed, no timely filings whatsoever, no ETC retail outlets, a dead patent application, a dead trademark application and doghouses parked in front of abandoned hardware stores, D&D displays now employs fewer employees since it's early days of inception

Edit.....I forgot to mention that CIMA, EXPO's bestest division was formerly Builders Choice cabinets & countertops-a twice failed entity crippled by federal payroll tax liens....oh and 1 more thingy.. one of Expo's largest net assets per the 2009 annual.....the shareholder advances of course. $399K LOL