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07/19/11 10:26 PM

#125 RE: scienceguy #123

it looks great but to be honest it kind of scares me at this point- the first pinch was awesome because there was still a *possibility of something coming in at the bell and turning it around; ie a competing offer...but at this point I think its pretty much done. not enough of a possibility to spark any sizeable rally; wayyyyy too much downside. I typically dont care what a company does, make widgets, sell do-hickies etc, but I do check their filings to make sure its not on the brink of a reverse split, or trading halt, or under investigation etc. Synth Trader (or maybe TycoonSoon?) brought up a good point a while back and I see many pinchers on chinese stocks, but they're too hot as many end up halted or some investigation reveals their balance sheets are actually empty or something like that. Pinchers are great, but not fool proof; a company that falls to zero will show a great pincher - doesnt mean there isnt a concrete reason its there. That being said, dont be deterred by bad news alone - many times these are the best pinchers; overreaction to some statement. the company comes back and clarifies and youre back off to the races! but Im pretty sure BGPIQ is done or close to it; but if youre a gambling man by all means.... :-)