NO, What I am saying is I haven't lost anything yet and until I do I will hold to my philosophy. If I am proven wrong then I will be the first to admit it but for now My position is secure unless outside forces or Shorters( Whom I can't stand) Affect PPS to the point that I do lose my position. Bottom line,....This board sounds like a 5 yr old playground sandbox and most folks here sound like that don't like sand,....Everyone knows the risk involved in pinks but when the loose they blame the company or the CEO. That isn't always the powers at fault sometimes there are other mitigating factors. Like I have said Prove to me on PAPER (Documented Proof) that Vega is merely a shell and a P&D. All I hear is cause and effect of PPS based on PR's or other issues. I have lost positions in 6 other Pinks due top R/S this year in approx 2 1/2 months back to back to back and I hate Loosing as much as the next guy but NO Risk, NO Reward. THere has only been 1 RS in the last 2 years and it was relatively small compared to other Co RS ratio,....Just after that the SS and PPS peaked at .35 PPS. any where in the pennuie range is fine for me once this breaks out and it will break out. Look Molen certainly isn't Christ,..But he ain't the Devil either,...Just a matter of time. JMHO