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07/20/11 2:45 PM

#29183 RE: A Dinosaur #29182

I see. Your mind is made up.

You are absolutely correct. I wouldn't buy this at .0001 .


08/02/11 4:29 PM

#29184 RE: A Dinosaur #29182

Ill confuse you with facts then.

The person dangling the carrot behind this who runs the dirty shell is jonathan bryant. He simply re-cycles a few shells, placing new faces (you call them management) as the front men of the closet businesses (most call them scams). He releases mispelled press releases with a ton of scam jargon attempting to hype the stock as much as possible.

His first releases on the scams are to establish this new product or service, and to try and show a big or growing market that the product or service is in. He then waits a week or two then does a few releases about some big contracts (that are absolutely made up).

There all scams. i have followed his scams for about 3 years now attempting to warn people.

Have fun losing money in this.