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07/17/11 10:20 PM

#3314 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

If anyone can do it, you sure can! Thanks for doing this, should be fun.

Lone Wolf

07/17/11 11:32 PM

#3321 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

I think I will throw my first play or two under my challenge (link back) out there on Tuesday. Been watching a few of them and want to see how they trade tomorrow. Stay tuned HMPers!


07/17/11 11:58 PM

#3323 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

love it SD.....might join ya. GLT"U" :)


07/18/11 8:38 AM

#3338 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

Looking forward to joining in on this Smit.



07/18/11 10:15 PM

#3360 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

Shit Smit Dog,,,,you are DA MAN! You got frigging balls made out of Titanium! and from what I've seen, you got the Mad skills to BACK IT UP!

I know for a fact firsthand that you can MAX OUT this challange.
I've seen it!

This following PIC is just for you from my SPECIAL stash...

Make sure the Wifey is not in the room....


Lone Wolf

07/19/11 8:39 AM

#3376 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

Okay traders...the day has come...the day I throw out my first 10K challenge play. I got 2 actually...hoping neither releases news during the day. Both are 'pre-momo' and low-floaters. Both have 'interesting prospects' IMO...that's why I like em...for one.

K. Got about $550 to make my buys. Nothing big. Like I mentioned previously, good plays don't require anything big...just a bit of patience and a 'catalyst' if it's not already moving....stay tuned....

Note: The 'Challenge' is not intended to throw plays out there to produce quick / instant, flippers stay away! I'll throw out other plays that are for the purpose of 'momo'. Remember, there is a 7-week horizon that I am working with, so accumulate, watch, trade...but do so wisely and not 'emotionally'.


Lone Wolf

07/19/11 9:37 AM

#3378 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

SD $10K Challenge Pick: USFM

45ooo shares. Cost average: .0063

To begin, I like USFM simply as a bounce-play. All it needs is a little volume. L2 has approx. 300K sitting at .007. Looks like someone’s tired of waiting as there was only 35K there Friday…lol. IMO, better to get that block out of the way here than trying to do so when this is trading back at .02 or .03 or .04. I won’t get too into L2 as that can change at any moment, but rather I would suggest folks take a peek at what’s currently sitting beyond .007 and recall how this ran when volume did start in. That’s what there ‘low floaters’ do…they run like the wind with volume. I would consider a play with an OS of 121,485,662 and a float of 41,685,255 a low floater. Wouldn’t you?

Now what could make this move? Folks tend to forget about these plays when they start drifting lower. As a result, they miss key pieces of news. Well, not everyone’s forgotten. I see that 200K sitting at .005 hoping this falls further. I see you! I also see 95K sat at .0061 with no love all day. I’m not waiting to see what falls. Recall the reason this ran to begin with? RM speculation. Well, for those paying attention, the company may have delivered a ‘hidden’ gift in the late hours of Friday when no one was looking:

The run back in April was based on speculation that an RM may be ahead of us due to the (then) newly installed CEO and his ownership of a private green energy entity. On the surface, the news appears to have no indication of any immediate positive effect on PPS or USFM. It is, however, significant in that it marks the first time they have EVER released a PR related to any green energy initiative. The link was just provided for those who took notice and for those who have been watching / following this one. It seems this may be one of the things addressed during the upcoming CC (

Not much time between here and the July 25th CC. My $350 says this runs between now and then. For those unsure about the play, I would recommend folks take a close look at some of the newer posts on the board and the stuff in the stickies.

USFM - Daily Candlesticks

Lone Wolf

07/19/11 9:40 AM

#3379 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

SD $10K Challenge Pick: WRGL

10000 shares: Cost Average .021

WRGL- Been watching this one for a while now and it’s clearly in an uptrend with volume not yet reaching it’s potential. Their recent acquisition of ACES leaves the company playing in a very ‘lucrative’ sector…government funded private education.

The owners / operators are quite the clever folks:

*employees consist of the 3 owners deferring pay until revs can get going.

*$50 / lead where target market is ‘low income GED aspirants’

*labor provided via ‘independent contractors’, meaning low overhead as employee costs (as opposed to contractors) are often the biggest component of operating expenses.

* looking over their site, the company appears acutely aware of the impact social networking can have on their business and are working toward taking full advantage of it

* revs for the Q have exceeded operating costs

The best part here is their last PR indicating the company plans to purchase 10mil shares in the open market. Now with 42mil in the float prior to the announcement, what’s left in there currently? Guess why this has been moving on little volume and why I’m buying here for my $10K Challenge portfolio. ;-)

Business Description

The company's primary focus is to prepare individuals to excel as the workers of tomorrow by offering an affordable U.S. licensed and accredited private high-school education. We will provide to a diverse group of students both an online and a mail correspondence education, tailored specifically to people with limited budgets that need to graduate quickly with a high-school diploma or a trade education to find good paying jobs. An advanced vocational-based curriculum and eventually a full online two and four year college curriculum is planned in the near future. We will actively pursue acquisitions that increase shareholder value and drive differentiation for the company.

Interesting…seems like the company is already moving in the direction of feeding their planned 2-4 year private on-line college.

SS as of March 31,2011

AS= 200,000,000
Float= 49,002,000

(keep in mind company says they’re buying up to 10mil in the open market. If that has already begun to take place, then what’s really in the float? It sure has been moving like there’s not much there)

Not much of a tail on any of those candles! ;-)

WRGL - Daily Candlesticks

Lone Wolf

07/25/11 12:36 PM

#3476 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

SD $10K Challenge Pick: GSRE

280K shares at .001

As alluded to yesterday, there would be a 'borrowed pick'...and so there has been. Bid-sitting on .0009 most of the morning with no fill...and of course someone whacks just after I decided to tap that ask...Go

This one was first thrown out there by our Hall-of-Famer Chrystal Clear. She received a 'second nomination by Roger Wilco. Both very skilled and insightful traders. Many home runs have been seen by those two, so if they say grab some, I'm grabbing. Recall YIPI @ .35 and HFMG @ .0002? Need I say more??? ;-)

Here's hoping their call furthers me to my 'finish line'!

Lone Wolf

07/26/11 10:12 AM

#3488 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

SD Challenge Pick: MMTC 50000 @ .0043

t like today's news, the volume on the news, the SS and the reaction to the volume. Okay that's it. I'll have to do the math, but I think that leaves me fully loaded for the time being. $2K hoping it provides me with an average of 5-bags if not more.

Good Luck to me and to all who are joining in this challenge.

Lone Wolf

07/31/11 11:21 AM

#3555 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

10K Challenge Commentary:

PUBM: An opportunity might exists for those in already or those not yet in, but looking for a starter position. Friday a spread opened up laving bid @ .11 and the ask @ .17. From watching the tape, it would seem as though the large transactions ($15K orders to buy / sell) have been taking place between 15- 17. This appears to be where the 'fund raising' is taking place and where 'institutions' and/or those making a big dollar commitment have been most interested. When big money buy, they tend to not be flippers and typically will not buy at 16 to sell at 11 or 12...They buy and hold. Retialers on the other hand get frighted by spreads like that and bow last week when a spread opened on WRGL and someone got frighted out of their shares hitting the bid at .017...only to watch it close at .029 by week's end. So, with the current spread and the desire of MM's to see if the bid is real, a $200- $1000 order on that bid might provide some good returns in short order. Also, if it looks like the ask will be coming down and pose the risk of 'fund raising' to have to take place at lower levels, this may pose a set-back to the pace of growth for the company, thus look for their newly installed IR component to start going active and get pps back up there while the company works on deploying their new machines.

USFM: This is one play that looks like it's needing a may, but don't let any stagnation fool ya. It gets going really quickly and move really well when it does get we saw with the 150% gain just after my throwing that one in the ring as a 'challenge play'. Now, last week as day in particular. Someone bought approx. 600K shares. That kind of purchase in that kind of play often means 1 or 2 things: Someone knows something is up and is getting in now or someone's watching L2, knows this is a low-floater and plans on running it soon. Just my own interpretation of 'unusual volume'

WRGL- This one continues to perform consistently and stellarly. Slow, but steady ramps up. In fact, I'll be looking for one last 'ask slap' before going into bid-sitting mode here in the week ahead. The spreads on that one scare folks and IMO, is the reason we haven't seen more volume thee yet. You almost have to throw L2 out the window on that one if trying to decide whether or not to take a position. The bid and the ask show a 'false picture' of the support and walls. It looks like bid-support is lacking, but some orders just don't show up on L2, so that week bid is really not as weak as it looks. L2 was showing .021 all day, yet fills on the bid were at .025 and my .0125 order on the bid never showed and never got filled. 3's should be 'in vogue' for the week ahead if my spidey senses are correct''s something 'interesting' I am watching as well: As of their May 31st Quarterly filing, they own over $1mil worth of Riverdale Capital Ltd. now I don't know what Riverdale does and what to expect there, but I do see that it was up 130% on Friday: RICP

No comment on MMTC at the That one seems to have way more shares in it than I was aware. Let's see if we get a promo-add on there.

Lone Wolf

08/05/11 11:05 PM

#3612 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

Next 10K Challenge Pick...

Coming to an HMP Board near you on Monday. This one is difficult. As those of you following the challenge know, I've had a coupld 'quick cut loosers', a roller-coaster play and a couple that are creeping....when you're racing against the clock with that kins of performace, you want to better the odds of a quick profitable trade...thus a story stock, a low-float mover, a tanker-bouncing or a potential momo will give me what I need right here.

I've been sizing one up for a couple weeks now...looks like a good potnetial 'big mover' but the volume and gains I saw yesterday did not come with the 'required follow-through' that one might be ruled out as that 'next pick'.

We did have a couple great tankers this wek that hold some, I'm considering chosing one of them.

The othe rplay I'm looking at is one that has been 'dormant' for like FOREVER....then I saw some signs of life earlier this week. I said 'Hmmmm? Waking?' Today left me saying 'Yes....awaking for sure'.

Stay $250 ready for the next one! Most likely Monday.

Lone Wolf

08/08/11 10:28 AM

#3620 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

SD $10K Challenge Pick: IDCX

7000 @ .035

Here's a brief summary by Smiling_B...someone I admire as a trader and someone who knows how to research these things: I'm seeing other notable traders slowly making there way over as well.

Tanker down 95% last week....looks largely due to the stock's lack of liquidity. But you know how us I-hubbers go...always looking for a good 'opportunity' for some slappage-induced momo!!!

So, there are a few ingredients I like with IDCX: Bounce-potential, 'Awareness-makers' who are also savvy traders and Good SS. The company is a real company with real assets, revs being generated and real staff.

The only 'areas of caution' are 1. why the seller chose to sell in the first place and 2. the lack of bid support. Trading at $3.50 within the past year, $.90 last week and a real company with real assets and staff. I'm in....hoping for the best.

Lone Wolf

08/08/11 3:29 PM

#3623 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

Current $10K Challenge Portfolio:

USFM - 70K @ .0069

WRGL - 20K @ .0235

PUBM - 3000 @ .16

MMTC - 50K @ .0043

IDCX - 7000 @ .035

GSRE @ .0005 ($140 loss)
LOCN @ .036 ($50 loss)

Lone Wolf

08/17/11 1:38 PM

#3711 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

DS $10K Challenge New Picks:

Okay, gotta change 'tacticks' a bit...time's almost up and I'm now where I was hoping to be or wanting to be at this point. Either way, added 3 new play and disposed of 1.


SIRG: (a platry) 32,500 shares @ .006. Still trying and hoping to accumulate there. Thanks Daleb for the heads up on that one.

EMOT: 100K @ .0026. Still trying and hoping to accumulate more there as well


This one:

20K sold at .035 (cost averge for the buys (2 buys)- .023):+$240

Bruce the Stock Guy

08/23/11 10:47 PM

#3790 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

VSHC(.0038)Ready to bounce hard on 4th Q revenue numbers>>>

Lone Wolf

09/05/11 7:13 PM

#3958 RE: Lone Wolf #3312

The SmitDog $10K Eulogy:

How does one begin to write a eulogy for a challenge that will be ongoing…whether ‘published and out in the open’ or continuing as a personal challenge? In that this ‘first attempt’ was there out in the open, we know what the outcome has been...basically a wash...except for my brokerage firm that has made money on my commissions. Keep track of such things. You’d be surprised how much you give your broker over the course of the year. Geeesh is all I can say about that.

Now, I’ve been trading these pinky/sub-penny/OTC Plays for about a year first lessons have been ‘very expensive ones’. This was far from that, but I feel it illustrates quite well, some ‘rules of the road’ when trading this far down the ladder. Hopefully folks will learn from the experience that I put out there in the open for everyone to see:

Insight #1: Fight the impulse to use up your funds. If you do, when that ‘gotta have momo-play’ is sitting there in front of you, there will be no funds to buy unless you sell something that might not be ready for a sale. Too much went into USFM upfront, leaving me without 25% of my initial investment to this day.

Insight #2: Make sure what ‘looks like’ a ‘material event’ actually is one. Again USFM is a good example. They released a PR in the PM on a Friday (sometime in early July) hinting at a ‘new course’ for their company. An RM was what a few of us following that one thought might have been in the cards since their last run. No PR’s since...nothing ‘material’ delivered....thus dead money.

Insight #3: Though there are exceptions (BCCI, JCOF, BRGO, SMKY, OPMG and YIPI to name a few), for the most part, I-Hubbers do not like plays already trading in the ‘multi-pennies’, no matter how promising the play would seem- ala PUBM…another 25% of my available funds committed there. Couple that with the paucity of trading volume that typically comes with the summertime and what you have is ‘dead money’…especially if you don’t have the ‘ingredient’ of lesson #4.

Insight #4: Awareness is a critical factor in any play. I’m not a ‘natural pumper’. I will pump a play I’m in if I see it moving, but don’t like to pump in an effort to get something moving. I’m also more than willing to assist my good friends with some of their pumps, but just because I like a play doesn’t mean it will move….evidence : SPKL, IDCX. So, for that $10K challenge pick, signs of pre-momo emerging is critical.

Insight #5: Allocation means everything. Had I gone ‘all in’ with MMTC- the $10K challenge would have been met in short order. Instead, 1/2 my portfolio funds was committed to 2 non-moving plays, while a couple small, but early losses nibbled away at the remaining funds. Does this sound familiar my fellow traders? SIRG would also have left me with a pretty penny in returns had I thrown more than $200 at that one. The only problem to keep in mind here is that big bets can also mean big losses, so gotta stay on top of those trading tools and rules to make those big bets work for you.

Insight #6: Again, though there are exceptions, don’t talk yourself into believing plays with good momo will continue to have good momo. In fact, the best runners often end up down a few days to weeks after a good run. Evidence- several of my picks that have produced at least a double following my grabs trended down soon after:

USFM hit .015. Fell as far down as .005 there-after
IDCX hit .089. Currently trading at .04
MMTC hit .0198. Pulled back as far as .0043 after
SIRG hit .0178. Pulled back to .0055 after
WRGL hit .04. Pulled back to .025 after
SUGO hit .025. Pulled back to .006 after

Point made yet? This doesn’t mean all those plays are dead, but one’s gotta trade accordingly and know when to take a profit as well as re-enter in those that hold promise.

So, my insights from this challenge: we need volume, awareness (and awareness makers), a good SS, signs of life and for pps to be nicely below a penny. With these in place, we also have to don on our ‘traders’ hat and put the ‘investor’ one on the coat rack in order to make $10K from $2K in 8 weeks.

Now, where does that leave the Smit Dog and his $10K challenge? It's continuing! It will be called The SmitDog $10K Challenge Redux. The changes? There are 6:

1. Unless there's a 'table-pounder' with a low SS that's already got some momentum, it'll be all sub-pennies baby!
2. Flips and scalp trades will not be excluded in my 'redux picks'. The previous challenge left me holding plays that should have / could have been profitable flips, but being aware I previously said flips and scalp trades would not be part of that portfolio, I was committed to my prior statements. Redux- let me be freed from those binding shackles!
4. Increasing my ‘monetary commitments’ from a $200 minimum investment to $400...largely because those commissions will kill a fella with small bets that yield small gains. The other consideration is that the gains come too slowly with such small bets.
5. I won’t ‘bind myself’ with a time-frame. Though I do think 8 weeks is a reasonable enough time to meet the challenge, I don’t want to continue putting that kind of pressure on my trading decisions. If it’s 8, great, if it’s 4 weeks- then wonderful, if it’s 12, then so be it. Once achieved, you'll know and I'll celebrate
6. My picks wont be considered part of a portfolio as that term will be somewhat 'misleading'. The trade can occur in a day or two whereas 'portfolio' implies a longer stay IMO. I'm not suggesting the plays will be 'flips', but only that they could be depending on the play / situation. I'll simply be throwing them out on the board as plays I take a position in that I think has the 'ingredients' to provide a decent return. They'll still be called $10K challenge pick.

Simple modifications, but ones I think will help going forward.