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07/16/11 5:30 PM

#98399 RE: venomen2002 #98393

Since yours and others phone call questions and answers to the Nevada SOS cannot be proven, perhaps you can use my email responses from Dean Gleason as actual proof that the reverse split filing could be changed.
Odd that this needs to be rehashed over and over with zero proof from those that state it can't be changed, and was a simple mistake.
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 3:49 PM
To: SOS Customer Service
Subject: Entity Actions for "EXPO HOLDINGS INC."

Thank you for contacting the office of the Nevada Secretary of State. The form filed was a certificate of change filed pursuant to NRS 78.209 for a Nevada Profit Corporation. This particular form is used for stock splits to increase shares and it was filed as such. If this incorrect they can file a certificate of correction to correct any errors on their part. The form can be found on our web site at under the heading business center. Click onto business center next page to the left click onto manage a business next page click onto corporations and there you will find the form.

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:20 PM
To: Dean Gleason
Subject: Re: Entity Actions for "EXPO HOLDINGS INC."

They filed a different document from the amendment document. It is filed pursuant to NRS78.209 which is for stock splits and as stated before if they want to file a correction if the document was filed in error they can do so. You really should contact them and ask them why the filed this particular document.

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:03 PM
To: Dean Gleason
Subject: Re: Entity Actions for "EXPO HOLDINGS INC."

You should contact the entity first and find out why they filed this form, we are just a filing agency and we file documents submitted to us if they are in filing order. Other than that you can go ahead and post my email with the explanation.

The filing was done on 2/01/11..many called and were told that the header was in error..subsequent calls made to the company and regulatory agencies about fixing the error resulted in the same answer..No filing could correct the header error..regardless of what you post..The company then responded to the public..

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Santa Barbara Broker

07/16/11 8:17 PM

#98404 RE: venomen2002 #98393

The majority of shares are being held tight

And your "proof" that this statement is a "fact" is "Check the volume daily..Only wash trades..insiders..." LMAO? Another completely unvetted, unable to be proven convenient whim plucked from thin air and presented as rock solid and "factual"? The company intended their shareholders to believe that they were planning a reverse split in the shares which is why that format only appeared on the LAST A/S increase. It didn't have to be spelled out in B&W. IMHO, the principals you erroneously believe are holding "tightly to their shares" sold all or most of them into their 2009 or 2010 P&D and had to replace them to get the supposed "new CEO" to sign on. They tried, they failed, CEO. Expo Holding's investors...irrelevent? Well, that may be an accurate description of these so-called "facts" concerning the wild and IMHO, false assumptions about aggregiously harmful and massively misleading errors in official amended filings simply being dismissed by the company. Or insiders holding their shares "tightly" being put out there as if it were a documented fact. But it is not an accurate description of the Expo investors who have been robbed of their equity by this scam and the unethical human garbage that run it. And it never will be no matter how many times you publish it as such. IMHO.
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07/16/11 8:24 PM

#98405 RE: venomen2002 #98393

The majority of shares are being held tight..

they clearly are

it's been fascinating recording the data of each day's trades for
well on 24 months now

as i've posted (even tho' mocked back in sept of 2009 and beyond
for contacting the sec and sending on the info tapes/complaints)
it's clear .. that the BS of 2009 *played* out well into 2010/2011

but nothing proves the BS more clearly than the *volume* decline
on exph .. even tho' the AS is literally 2.3 BILLION more shares
today than 2 years ago .. and yet the avg daily volume is running
30M to 35M shares *less* per day

so how does a stock with a float of 100M <mgmt's guesstimate
on the CC back in late july 2009> *trade* 40M on avg for 3-4 months

when 2 years later with a guesstimated float <my own> of 1 BILLION
exph *trades* only 4M to 5M per day ?????

the answer of course is wash trading between multiple accts
which is exactly what was done on exph in 2009 .. most of 2010
and as others clearly see .. still in 2011

but the biggest clue of all .. is *reading* specific time frames
back in 2009 .. what happened to expo .. happened to *others* as
well ... and the *overlap* *involved* .. is crystal clear

that is why the *NEED* for the turn from the *gushing fawning posts*
during the PUMP stage of 2009
.. to the unrelenting criticisms and *feeding*
of the fall of 2009 into 2010 trying to set up the DUMP stage
<ie the shaking out of shares> with A RELENTLESS SHORT to
the cellar

how ironic .. it would take the EVENTS of that then record setting
*volume* day done on june 2nd 2010 .. to clarify that the *push* down
<pps .0004> (well over a year ago) .. wasn't over with and that yep
as i'd called it in sept 2009 .. the *GOAL* was indeed the CELLAR

but the eye popping revelations of 150M shares shorted in 10 minutes
on 11/29/2010
.. <based on the NV AS POST> truly showed what BS is
endemic *AGAINST* EXPH .. since of course the SHARES WEREN'T EVEN

i'll be very clear veno .. the implications on this board are now
morphing in a way i predicted months back .. since once shares are
shaken out and the co. actually doesn't fold .. *resentment* may
well SET IN due to shares BOUGHT HIGHER ~ NOW SOLD


i'd mock and make a comment like pass the popcorn .. but i find
nothing amusing about DD done after the fact and lack of knowledge
about the process or the *predators* who prey on any *LEGIT* co.
<like expo> that publicly trades on the OTC ~ let alone shares
sold at .0001 ..

it's actually rather sad

all jmo