Yeah, the unbelievable corruption and borderline psychotic behavior in some of the human cesspool surrounding Expo Holdings is completely excusable....just as long as it didn't occur "yesterday". Performing unspeakable acts of corruption, greed and sociopathic behavior in the complete absence of the slightest business ethics, morality, character, compassion or principals and with complete and total lack of respect for the law is OK, right? Just as long as you wake up every morning and say "Sorrrrrrrry! Sorry for the Expo Holdings common shareholders I ripped off and lied to under gawd knows how many possible violations of legal and/or ethical principals! I promise I won't ever, ever, EVER do it again, probably!".
Yep, with Expo Holdings, Inc. anything goes, all is OK, as long as it wasn't "recently". Forget that "ancient history" stuff from May 2011 and before. After all they are only a poor, beat upon, incredibly high tech "nail one board to the other" complicated learning curve driven start-up company in barely their 12th year suffering through the worst ongoing and endless, completely unvetted, unexplained, fact-free and totally fantasy/hearsay driven clandestine manipulative MM and secret agent share attack in modern history which is not the slightest fault of or due to any of the endless prevaricative actions of Expo management at all, LMAO. IMHO.