Channel Television is a successful division of 40+ television stations in vibrant mid-sized and small markets, all interacting with partners in Clear Channel Radio, Clear Channel Outdoor, and Clear Channel Entertainment. This powerful cross-media platform provides its clients and sponsors unmatched opportunities to reach their customers.
ABC is on that client list right?
Clear Channel Television's primary goal, unlike its other Clear Channel parnters, is to provide excellent local programming and network service to viewers. Clear Channel Television provides outstanding marketing and sales opportunities to advertisers. Clear Channel Television stations represent all of the major television networks, including NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, WB, UPN, and PAX, as well as two independent, unaffiliated stations. Tune in and see waht's on!
Facts about Clear Channel Television:
Locally operates TV stations in mid-size and small markets
Reaches over 8 million homes weekly
Covers 12.7% of the households in the US
Affiliated with NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, WB, UPN, and PAX, as well as two independent, unaffiliated stations