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07/15/11 11:52 AM

#3505 RE: smokyceo #3503

Thanks for the clarification, Eddie. Anytime in August is soon enough for me. We all greatly appreciate what you're doing - we know it isn't easy, but you're pulling it off thanks to a lot of hard work and creativity.


07/15/11 11:55 AM

#3506 RE: smokyceo #3503

Excellent. Thankyou.


07/15/11 12:13 PM

#3510 RE: smokyceo #3503


Thanks for the clarification and setting me straight. :) I didn't intend to imply things happening sooner than they will, nor falsely raise expectations. Sure is great to have a CEO that's active here - so many times there's a never-ending debate on how to interpret the once or twice a quarter that many CEOs communicate with shareholders and it does lead to a lot of misinterpretation and overly-positive expectations that lead to disappointment.

Great to get that clarification, and good to know things are still rolling in from the oven lease fund. Still working to bring the opportunity to some folks not willing to play the ups and downs of the market, but possibly willing to buy a unit of the oven lease fund.

However, as the saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water but can force him to drink" and so it goes with people also. Oh well, their loss.

We really do have something special here.