Prove It? He is just repeating what another boardmember posted yesterday from his own converstion with BK attorney Arik Pries.
"he talked about, the fact that tstrq received, 1.4 billion. and where the money was going to be going. he also stated where the money was going. the debtors, the secured, the creditors. and it came to like 1.25 billion. that than left 175 million that was left over."
Now we all know that one can't "PROVE IT" from a phone conversation.
You CommonCents however actually encouraged everyone to call Arik Pries.
You CommonCents actually posted to the member and thanked him for posting that info.
So looks to me like Xander stated, based on the posted phone converation, that the BK Attorney claimed that there will be $175 Mil left over after debtors, the secured, the creditors are paid.