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asinus asinum fricat

07/14/11 9:14 AM

#434 RE: Memdicht #432

I agree with your comment of
"He appreared as unprepared, unscripted and amateurish which as the CEO of Valcent, should not have happened. One would think that the media people advising Valcent would have learned the lessons from Fane's disasterous performance during the Vertical Farming Webinar earlier in the year."

Valcent and others on here made great claims about the media company then as you say they should have skooled ( pun ) him in the art of presentation or put there own person in there. The only positive outlook is that it got a good response for such a bad presentation put forward.
Your other claim
"It is clear that Valcent do not have credible answers for the vertical growing sector."
I disagree I still think that we have a good system that is the rolls royce as this can be automated and it looks good but a bad buisness man can ruin a good business. Again I question why we need outside investment when such a small sum of $1,000,000 is stopping a sale when as he mentioned one is to be announced in the next few weeks.
Do not forget we have delivered the paignton project so we can build a working system and "ironed the bugs out" so this surely is a good thing, but I agree we have to deliver a working commercial project, he also mentioned a "Grower Expert" and ongoing consultancy for the systems is this in house if so who is it as I thought David Dicks was our hydroponic expert then we had those before him, but they where in the Uk and we are now looking Canada and US.
I wait to reserve judgement but I am not holding my breath as that may be to risky.


07/14/11 12:24 PM

#435 RE: Memdicht #432

Memdicht, your persona is a waltzing riddle. I believe you’ve stated that you’re long the shares of Valcent and yet you clearly despise the management team and have absolutely nothing good to say about how the company that you own is being run? How can that be? How can an investor put their hard earned dollars to work in something they “know” is a facade? (Please correct me if I’m wrong but I take my information from the following post.)

Fane clearly has only a very limited understanding or appreciation of what the VertiCrop is or how it operates and an even lower realisation of how important the pioneering work undertaken by Paignton Zoo has been in gaining credibility for the VertiCrop and publicity for Valcent.

A blowhard internet poster in an obscure corner of the web is suggesting that a past director and now CEO of the company doesn’t appreciate or understand the pioneer work? This same CEO has an incredible past of building an extremely profitable green house business that was a) supported by venture capitalists b) taken public c) and sold at a huge profit. It doesn’t take an industry analyst to understand that the growing business is debt heavy. In the last 6 months, Steve has completely recapitalized the business moving them into a position whereby they are able to grow because they will be able to attain financing.

This appreared as unprepared, unscripted and amateurish which as the CEO of Valcent, should not have happened. One would think that the mdeia people advising Valcent would have learned the lessons from Fane's disasterous performance during the Vertical Farming Webinar earlier in the year.

Two of the three panelists expressed interest in learning more. The female investors major concern was that big players, like Village Farms would swamp the market with projects like “The Gates” project. This, is not an lack of understanding on Steve’s part – it’s a lack of understanding by the investor. Both will exist in the market place because large scale producers will never get close enough to the city. And Steve should know … it was his business that was sold to Village Farms!

Any professional undertaking a similar presentation would have been practised until they were word perfect and able to put across the crtical points within the 90 seconds allocated and been capable of addressing all questions raised. It is no wonder that Valcent struggle to find serious investment funding when they are led by such a person!

Ridiculous. They’ve just spent 6 months moving investors from fixed income investments to equity stake. On top of that, their first equity raise was fully subscribed. They are not struggling to find “serious investment”. This show, is not the forum to actually raise capital. If you think investors would make investments based on a 90 second pitch you’ve been watching too much TV. Being on this show was about exposure to the market place through Canada’s #1 business news network.

Fane's performance reflects badly on the emerging vertical growing and urban farming industry and one can only hope that he is not seen as a serious representative of this developing and expanding sector. We all know that others in the industry present a professional and polished, credible overview, of an industry that is becoming increasingly important on the world stage. Serious investors need to be aware that there are companies out there who are serious about urban food production and can deliver what is promised.

This comment taken together with your past post makes a guy wonder about your motivation. A race is occurring at the moment to position companies and attempt to become the 800lb gorilla in this space. This sounds like something that would come from the mouth of an investor in the third place finisher?

It is clear that Valcent do not have credible answers for the vertical growing sector and hopefully, serious investors will see this and not waste more investment in a business that would seem unable to deliver anything.

Again, if this is how you truly feel – Why are you still posting here? How can you possibly be invested in a company that you have no faith in?

The Valcent opertions in the UK are apparently virtually shut down with the personnel either resigned, fired or made reduntant. David Dicks was removed from the Management Team on the Valcent EU website some time ago and has not been replaced.
Perhaps the people now leading the company are not much better that those they replaced and are keeping their own money in their pockets whilst trying to get gullible investors to part with theirs? Is it not time to put up or shut up?

There is no reason to be in the UK at this point. It is to my complete satisfaction that the operations are being centralized domestically. The UK is where the technology was born but those folks, respectfully, had absolutely no clue on how to profit from what they created. It makes way more sense to begin your commercialization process domestically for a plethora of reasons. You don’t expand a business to two continents before you make your first sale. And, that’s a great segway; Sounds like a couple of deals are going to be announced shortly.

You have hit the nail squarely on the head when you suggest that the objective of Valcent is to hype up the share price , make a few cents per share and wait for it to fall again - history repeats itself again and again.

You may have hit the nail on the head, but you were holding a screwdriver! What makes me laugh out loud is looking at a company like Lululemon. Christopher Ng, among other investors, were granted stock when the company was taken public. The company’s share price went vertical over the last few years. I’m laughing, because you represent the average investor. Pulling your money on the bottom floor of Chris's new venture and going to buy some LULU stock equivalent with what's left. “You” are the way that Steven and Christopher will make money.

We investors have been taken for a ride and for me, it is the end of the journey.

Thank God!And for the record ... I think the ride in front of the company is going to be much more fun.