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07/12/11 8:19 PM

#4912 RE: krammer1 #4911

LOL, that's impossible for me or anyone else to answer. Do I think the company's stock is worth more than 3.3c, yes, what will happen tomorrow, I have no clue, believe me, if I did I would just go buy a lottery ticket and pick the winning numbers ;)


07/12/11 8:24 PM

#4914 RE: krammer1 #4911

Look at that breakout chart! Amazing... IMO we will see .045
tomorrow, maybe even .05... The buzz is growing!


07/12/11 8:52 PM

#4918 RE: krammer1 #4911

I will say this, today was day 1, we added about 70 boardmarks just today, people are just now finding out about PDOS and their relationship with Cowboys and Aliens. Stock screeners are going off tonight, PDOS will be showing up on a lot of watch lists. There are 12 more trading days before Cowboys and Aliens opens, people are trying to get in now, because once it opens and the movie is a hit it will be too late. One thing PDOS has going for it is that it's legit, a real company doing real business in the real world, and can easily be proven as such. The icing on the cake is that it also happens to be doing business with the top of the tops in the movie business, Spielberg, Ron Howard, Jon Favreau, Dreamworks, Universal and Paramount, what more could you ask for.IMO