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sergej janez

07/21/11 8:14 PM

#165 RE: myyear2011 #164

Re: FW: Solar Park Initiatives Sales Email?
1:35 AM
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View detailsTo sergej janez
From: Jeff Wagner (
Sent: Friday, 22 July 2011 1:35:49 AM
To: sergej janez (wsergai@xxxxxxxxx)

Sergrj, the company has been requested by the SEC to file a 15c-211. Basically this means that the company needs a market maker to quote the stock. The company has informed me that all the neccessary doucuments have been sent to the market maker and that the market maker is performing its due diligence. Once the due diligence is completed and to be found satisfactory we will get off the grey sheets. Hopefully this will happen soon but not sure when. I understand your concern as I am also a shareholder. The CEO of the company informed me once this process is completed we will be getting some news releases.

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 6:43 PM, sergej janez <wsergai@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: wsergai@xxxxxxxxxx To:
Subject: Solar Park Initiatives Sales Email
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 10:40:42 +1000

Good Day Jeff ! my Name is Sergai xxxxx ...long time there was no update from your company ...can you please send any update on what is happening with the company and if stock will came of the grey market and when do you think this will happen...any update would be much appreciated...thanks for your answer !
best regards